Chapter 1/small intro

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Hey guys!!! I really like Finn Wolfhard and here's a cute imagine so.
ALSO IF YOU ARE VOTING FOR DONALD TRUMP DON'T BE OFFENDED (you'll see why) (and I am not saying who I am voting for this is JUST an imagine)
CHAPTER 1/new life
Hi I'm Tate👋🏻 ,today me and my family are watching the election to see who's president, I really hope it's Hillary (again sorry if your not voting for her) not the orange man haha.

/40 min later/

"And the next president of the United States is 'Donald Trump!'.

Wow. Me and my mom and dad and little brother looked at the screen with our jaws open and eyes wide.

"Fuck", my mother exclaimed.

My mom said if Donald trump wins this election we need to move to Canada 🇨🇦 because he would ruin our family and life if we continue living in California because his dumb rules.

Finn Wolfhard imagine |neighbors|Where stories live. Discover now