Chapter 43/ birthday boy

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        READ THIS SHEIT/Hey guys! I'm noticing a lot of readers per chapter and like 2/3 stars. I get abojt 20/30 readers each week for chapters. I don't know how many all the way since it just says 1k. I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm also noticing that I have to say this a lot. I write this for fun and it takes time out of my day, I write in school and at my house and out somewhere. I take time out of my day to make sure I have a chapter EACH AND EVERY day. Some people post once every 2 weeks! I should expect some credit, like stars and chapters! So if this story ends soon, you can blame it on the people that just read it.
   I hope you read that!^^
Tate's pov:
3 days from previous chapter/
             It's a Sunday, Sunday funday! Only since it's Finns birthday! I'm so happy. I sprung up off my bed and texted Finn "good morning birthday boy!" Than I went down stairs to get something to eat. I got Finns present already, I hope he likes it, it took awhile to save for. My brother was eating cereal while watching tv. "You know you can't eat in the living room." I said to him and he sighed. "I said you can't eat in the living room!" I yelled back at him and he looked at me "I can eat wherever I wanna, besides what you gonna do about it" he said smirking lifting up an eyebrow, game on! "I'll tell" I said putting my hands around my waist smiling, I could tell he was thinking since he looked up at the wall. "Hmm, if you do, I will tell that you snuck out to see your little boyfriend!" He said and I gasped, how did he know? "Your ladder is right in front of my bed room." He said. "Touché brother, touché" I said and he shaked his head in victory and continued watching tv whilst taking a bite of cereal. I'll get him next time. I walked into the kitchen to get some food but than I heard my phone ring, I ran upstairs thinking it was Finn. It was jordan. I answered "what's up" I said "hey! Can you hang out today?" She said "no, sorry it's Finns birthday today, but I can tomorrow!?" I said back "yeah, sounds good, tell Finn I said happy birthday!" She said and hung up, right when I was about to go downstairs to get something to eat my phone rang again, ugh what does jordan want now? I ran back to my room to check, it was Finn! I answered, of course! "Hey!" I said "hey Tate! Thanks for the birthday text, I can't believe my girlfriend is older than me" he said and I laughed. "Can I come over" I asked "yeah sure why?" He said back "I got your present" I said "awesome! See you soon love you" he said and I gulped. "Uh, lo-love you too" I said and quickly hung up. I still got nervous.

Finns pov
    Weird, she just hung up and she sounded really nervous when I said love you. What if she doesn't love me? Stop this Finn, your a chill guy! If she did not love me she would not say it back right? Right. I should get ready since she's coming over.

Tate's pov:
       I just finished getting dressed. I put on a deep red Nike fuzzy turtle neck sweatshirt and some legging and I curled my hair and put on an ombré eyeshadow using brown and pink. And I curled my eyelashes, that's it for makeup! See I don't use much..... I should get to Finns now. I told my brother I would be back since he is now home alone. There's alittle snow on the ground. Which I love! I love winter! The trees looked absolutely stunning with snow on them. As I was walking I could feel my nose get so cold. My nose gets so red when it's cold, and so does my cheeks. I also have rosacea, it's when your cheeks are always red. (I actually have it.) I finally got to his house and I was covering my nose with my sweatshirt. I knocked on the door. And his mom answered. I put my hand off of my nose revealing my redness. "Oh Finn rudolf the red nose reindeer is visiting!" She said and she laughed. I have an awkward smile. It was not that funny to me since my nose is freezing and numb! "Oh why don't you come in?" She said letting me in. "Such a thin girl like you must be freezing!" She said and I gave another awkward laugh. I don't really like when people point out how thin I am. I eat a lot and nothing happens! People always say "oh my god your goals! You get to eat anything and never gain anything." It's more of a curse than a blessing. "Finns upstairs." She said and I nodded and walked up with my present in my hand. I knocked on his door since I remembered what happened last time he did not knock. Hah. "Come in" he said and I walked in and he smiled. "Tate!" He said.

  "I got you something" I said and he lit up with a smile. I handed him the bag. He sat down and so did I. He unwrapped it and he lit up with a big smile. "W-why? Thanks! Thank you so much! How did you even afford this!" He said and I smiled. I gave him a camera, a big one. A real nice one. "You always said you also wanted to be a producer/director, so I got you this" I said and he put down the camera and hugged me.
Hope you liked this chapter!

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