Chapter 50/big news

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^^^READ THIS^^^^Hey guys! I want to let you know this will NOT be the last chapter! There will be about 1-3 more chapters. I will tell you now that the end of this book will end in a major cliffhanger, The only way for me to do a "Christmas special" to tell you what happened after the major cliffhanger is if I could get EVERY reader to star and comment. Game on y'all! Enjoy this chapter.
    ^hope you read that!
       Tate's pov/
Finn put the phone on speaker now, "we have called you to tell you that, you Finn Wolfhard have gotten the part! We will call you again tonight or in the morning of tomorrow to tell you all the details congratulations!" And the women hung up. Just like that. Finn stood still looking at the phone as if an alien had just talked to him. His mom was jumping up and down and I was also sitting wondering what had just happened. "I-i got the part!" Finn yelled standing up joining his mom. I had to sit and think. Wow, all of this went so fast. I guess being famous is easier than I thought. I'm so so so happy for him! But I'm going to miss him so much, what if he forgets about me? What if he meets someone new?! Gosh Tate shut up! Think about the happiness and the mystery that is yet to come. I stood up and did a happy dance with them.

Finns pov/
      Oh my god! I got the part! This has all happened so fast. I can't believe how life can change in a months notice. Tate's just sitting there, with no emotion. I wonder what she is thinking about. Oh she's getting up! We are all having a goofy dance thing, I don't even know what to call it. My mom said that Tate should leave since today I'm spending time with family to celebrate and tomorrow I celebrate with my friends and Tate.

    Tate's pov/
         I just got back home. I'm still so surprised how all this had happened, he must have lots and lots of talent, and his charms of course. I ran into my house to tell my family the good news. "Mom, mom!" I yelled looking for her, she was watching tv. "Mom!" I yelled and she paused the tv "what Tate" she said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and smiled "Finn, he got the part in the big Netflix show, stranger things! It's the lead part mom, the lead part!" I said and she smiled and stood up. "That's great! You're now dating a famous guy Tate" she said winking and I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to tell my brother. "Evan, Evan!" I yelled running up the stairs and banging on his door. "What do you want my needy teenage sister" he said crossing his arms and I rolled my eyes. "Finn got the part!" I said and he did not look impressed "he got the part....of what?" He said tilting his head. Oh yeah i forgot to tell him. "Well long story short Finn is going to be in a tv show called stranger things and he's the lead role!" I said and he lit up. What's he thinking? "So he's gonna be rich! You're gonna marry a rich man Tate! Can you get me the new Xbox 1?" He said smiling. "Ugh all you people care about is how famous he's going to be!" I yelled slamming my brothers room door and he shrugged and continued his video game. Why can't my family be like me? I went up to my bed room.

*blooop* my phones text ring went up and I looked, it was Finn. "Hey! How are you doing?" He said and I smiled. "I'm great! How are you?" I replied back and he answered in like 20 seconds. "I'm also great, hey tomorrow let's go to the movies. We have to make tomorrow special for us since it's my last day here.." he said and I put my phone down for a second. Wow, he's really leaving soon, like really soon, hell yeah we have to make tomorrow memorable! "Yeah, sounds great!" I replied back. "Cool, I'll get you at five. I have to go, I'm with the fam" he said and I said bye.
I decided to go to Jordans for alittle. "Hey, you busy?" I texted her "nope, come on over" she said. "Great, Christmas movie night?" I asked via text. "Yup, you get the snacks I'll get the drinks" she said back "gotcha"

9:00 pm
     It's pretty late now. Jordan couldn't hava sleepover since she is busy tomorrow, she had a family Christmas party. We watched so many classic movies, Elf, home alone1, home alone 2, all the home alones, and a lot more! So I just rode my bike home. In the dark! I'm going really fast. You never know what's in the woods at night, specially since it's completely dark, all I'm using for light is the small street lights around every corner.

9:14 pm
     I finally got home! Im tired. I went and got my pajamas on and put my hair down and washed my face and brushed my teeth. Time for sleep. I went into my bed under he covers and fell asleep like a baby. I can't wait for me and Finns date tomorrow....

Finn Wolfhard imagine |neighbors|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora