Chapter 21/truth or dare

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    Hey! Today is NOT my day. I'm gonna to Disney world for a week in 11 days which I'm hella happy for I just, I don't know my confidence is plummeting and I feel so ugly right now😂 whatever I should not tell you guys about my problems I guess. Enjoy this chapter! Give feedback and star.
Chapter 21/ truth or dare
     Just finished watching an episode of scream and American horror story (actually my fav shows besides stanger things ofc). CRAP I have the dinner and I watched two hour shows minute shows! I hope he's not on his way I need to hurry! I ran up to my room and threw cloths all around unroll I found a cute outfit. I put on a cute yet formal attire, a black knee skirt and a button up white blouse and I put my hair up into a messy bun. I grabbed my socks so fast I did not even notice they were not matching. Oh well I don't have time! I put on a pair of black shoes and took a deep breath. Wait a minute! Finns not picking me up! I'm supposed to go there myself! No ones home so I'll run. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door forgetting to lock it. As soon I got to Finns house I let out a happy sigh.

"Knock knock" I knocked on the door and I was nervous, I've never been late to an event. If I was late to anything my mom would yell at me. I can't help being organized all the time. In what felt like forever Finns mom opened the door. I have a big smile, "I'm so sorry I'm late!" I said and she laughed "oh it's fine! Really don't worry about it, the boys are down stairs" I nodded and went into the house and found the basement door, I ran down the stairs and saw all the boys Finn, Noah, Gaten, and Caleb and Wyatt. They all were startled by my running so they shot up and looked at me. "I'm so sorry I'm late Finn, it won't happen again I promise!" I yelled and they all laughed. Oh no, they laughing because I'm a horrible girlfriend aren't they?! "Tate it's fine, don't beat yourself up!" Finn said and hugged me and I sighed. I shrugged "sorry, I don't like being late." I said and he smiled and a small boy who is cute but looks alittle younger said "I could tell" and laughed. Finn rolled his eyes "that's Noah he's a couple grades down." He said "oh I was wondering why he looked so small" I said and laughed and all the boys laughed along besides Noah. I sat on the couch between Finn and Gaten. "So Finn when is dinner I'm hungry!" Gaten said in a singing matter, its not weird for us, he's a drama geek and sings really well. "Soon" Finn said to him. "Hey how about we play truth or dare!" Caleb shouted and he winked at Finn and I. I rolled my eyes and Finn did also. "Sure" I said and Finn looked at me surprised. "What?" I said looking at Finn. He shrugged. Oh well. Everyone was in so we sat in a circle and started playing. Everyone was picking truth which was boring. So when Noah said truth or dare I said dare. Everyone looked alittle surprised but I brushed it off. Noah looked at me and grinned. "I dare you and Finn to do 7 minutes in heaven." He said Finn and I's jaw dropped. Everyone laughed. "Go on now" Noah said pushing us to the closet. He pushed us in and locked the door and they all started laughing. The lights were out so it was hard to see. "So uhh" Finn said, he sounded nervous. It's not like we never have kissed. I let out a giggle. Finns hand was going all around my face and I laughed "what are you doing?" I said and he replied "I can't see nothing so I wanted to know where you were and I think I found your face" he said and laughed and poked my nose, he's so childish. All the boys were knocking, me and Finn yelled in sync "what?!" They said back "only 5 more minutes" and they laughed and stopped knocking. "A dares a dare" Finn said leaning in towards my face, I could tell because I can feel his heavy breath near, all of a sudden our lips touched.
Sorry for the short chapter! I'm actually doing school right now whoops. Please leave feedback! Xoxo

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