Chapter 44/ greatful

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   Hey guys! This story will end soon, but not that soon. After this story I will have a vote on 2 things I want to write after this so keep reading chapters. If you want this story to go on longer then please star and comment your feedback! If you don't want it to continue and won't be a kind person STOP READING lol
    Tate's pov/
       1 day from previous chapter.

      Finns birthday was great! He loved his camera and took a lot of pictures of me and other things, it was fun. He invited all his friends. Noah, Wyatt, Caleb, and Gaten. He also invited some other kids. We watched scary movies and Christmas movies and had hot cocoa and played bourd games and made a fire outside. It was great, I felt like one of the guys. I'm still at his house since it was a sleepover, don't worry I'm not sleeping with him. I'm bunked with Noah on a airbag since his mom won't let Finn sleep with his girlfriend, which I understand completely! But trust is also important.

It's pretty early and everyone is still sleeping but me. Noah took all the blankets! I need warmth! I curled up rocking so I could have body heat. I heard someone come down the stairs. It was Finn. He was rubbing his eyes and he had messy hair, so cute! "You look cold" he said while yawning and stretching out his back. "Yeah Noah took all the blankets." I said and Finn chuckled. I looked at Noah, he was snoring but very lightly, he looked like a baby lmao. "Come up with me" he said and I said "what about your mom" I said and he smiled "she went off to work an hour ago." He said and I nodded. I got up my legs were chivering! This house is so fucking cold! I went to the stairs and walked up with Finn into his room. "Thanks" I said and he smiled. I plopped onto his bed and went under all 3 blankets. Finn laughed, he just stood there. "Finn you can get in" i said tapping the other side of the bed. "You sure" he said and I said yes and he went in and went under the blankets. We were in bed toghether, not that way you sick bastard! Hah. We lightly cuddled, well not really. I can just feel his arm by my back. I fell asleep.

       "Wake up love birds!" I heard a voice say and I lightly fluttered my eyes open. "Huh" Finn said. "We let you sleep for 2 extra hours, it's time to stop cuddling and wake up." Caleb said and I noticed Finns arm was around my waist. We both blushed. "It's not what it looks like" I said and the boys rolled there eyes. "Yeah yeah, come down we want you to make your famous Nutella pancakes" gaten said and I laughed. "Okay" I said and I got up and Finn followed. We all went down stairs. All the boys sat down and were talking to Finn. I could here little mumbles like "what did you guys do in bed?" I rolled my eyes. "You guys are so gross, breakfast is done" I said while passing everyone a plate including myself. All the boys basically swallowed it whole! I ate mine like a lady with a fork and knife. Once I finished I put the dishes away, they gave me 10 dollars to clean them lmao. Boys are so dumb, I just put them in the dish washer haha.

2 hours later
    All the boys had left and it was just me and Finn.  I had to get going soon though, I have my track try outs. "So" Finn said and I shrugged "I need to tell you something" Finn said and I tilted my head, I got alittle nervous. "It's good news, sorta" he said and I looked at him waiting for him to tell me. "Well I have  tryouts for a tv show on Netflix" he said and I smiled. "That's not bad news!" I said and he slightly smiled back, what's his problem? "Yeah, but if I get the part I'd have to move for almost a year, it's in Georgia." He said and I gulped. "A year?" I asked and he nodded. "Oh Finn that's great, shows that make you leave for awhile mean that it's a great show" I said and Finn took a relieved sigh. "I thought you would hate me" he said and I smiled and caressed his cheek lightly. "Finn I could never hate you, especially if it has something to do with something you love, this is your future. Yeah I'm going to really miss you. I might even cry sometimes, but it would be worth it when you come home a super star, and hopefully you won't forget about me." I said. "Oh Tate I would never ever forget about you! I would come home and everything would be back to normal" he said and I smiled. "Plus I haven't even tried out yet, so you never know what will happen, over 900 boys are trying out!" He said and shrugged. "Yeah your right" I said and hugged him. My mom ruined the moment by calling me. "Yessssss mom?" I said and she sounded panicked. "Your father, he's in the hospital."
Dun dun dun! Another cliffhanger, maybe you'll be able to see what happens next if you star and give feedback, it's only fair!

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