Chapter 42/ acting devotee

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Sorry I did not post yesterday! I had a lot of school work to catch up on since I missed a whole week in Florida.. If you are a kind human being give feedback and a star! You have no idea how rewarding it feels.
Tate's pov:
Me and Finn continued replying to as much comments as we could. It was fun kinda, making people's day.

30 minutes later
Our fingers were hurting so we stopped replying haha. Me and finn went downstairs to get a snack. I was feeling healthy so I had snow peas and carrots, Finn had a cupcake. As we were eating and talking he got a call from his mom saying he needs to get back home now. Me and Finn said our goodbyes and I watched him leave. He left alittle bit of the cupcake left so I ate it. Haha. Anyways I should call dad and ask him where everyone is. "Hello" i said into the phone "what's up buttercup" my dad replied, my dads the stereo typical dad, he makes dad jokes, he loves watching sports, he goes to a country club in the summer, he has a full set of hair and is groomed, he loves beer and burgers, but I love him. "Where are you guys?" I asked. "Your brother has a game today so we went to watch" he said back and I said the okay and I love you and hung up. It's 8:00 so I'll watch some tv.

2 and a half hours later;
I just finished an episode of Scream queens and the flash. It's 10:30 now and my mom and dad and brother just got home. "Hey bro" I was about to say hi to my brother but he cut me off "no talk must play video games" I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to say hello my mom and dad. "Hey guys!" I said and my mom looked me funny. "Why are you still awake!" She said and I sighed. "It's Friday." I said and she shakes her head "still, go to bed" she said and my father laughed, he was too scared to confront mom, to be honest I was sometimes too. "Whatever" I said rolling my eyes and leaving her room. I tried to have a nice conversation with my family but nooooooo. Anyway I should sleep now.

It's too early for the weekend! But my phone text ring kept going off so I finally woke up. I checked my phone and I was spammed with messages from Finn! "Tate!!" "Tate! The commercials and guest appearances came out!" "Tate?" "Wake up!" Jeez he texted me a lot. I decided to call him, a lot of people say they hate when people call them if it's not an emergency. I don't get that shit. Excuse my launguage but I feel like talking to someone over the phone is more of a connection than just texting "brb lol haha I'm dying" things like that, I sound so cliche but I'm a kind of person that loves details! It rang 4 times than he answered. "Sorry just woke up" I said into the phone yawning. "You're so cute when you're tired" he said and I blushed. "I could say the same for you but what about the releases?!" I said "I'm coming over we will watch them toghether" he said and I looked at my self with my pajamas and bed head. "Okay!" I said and hung up and ran to my bathroom and brushed my teeth so I did not have morning breath. I also combed my hair just alittle because if I comb it too much it gets flat. I still had my pajamas on but my legs were so hot so I changed into a pair Nike shorts, right when I was about to put them on Finn walked in! "Finn! Get out!" I yelled and he covered his eyes and went back out my room and slammed the door. "Sorry!" He said and I chucked to myself and put my shorts on. "You can come in now" I said and the door slowly opened. "Uh sorry about that, I really did not mean it I swear! I'll knock next time" he said with his head looking at the ground. "It's okay Finn really" I said and there was an awkward silence. "Let's watch the videos" I said and he lit up and smiled. "Oh yeah!" He said and jumped on my bed and layed down. I laughed. I grabbed my MacBook and set it on the bed, I gave it to Finn to search them up. First we watched the 2 commercials. One for Taco Bell and one for a fundraiser. The Taco Bell one was funny! Finn put his hand on his head and shaked it, "that was so STUPID" he said and I laughed "was not" I said back and he smiled. Now we  watched his guest appearance. He had an appearance on Super Natural! Awesome, I think I just died inside! He played this kid who's parents died, it was really heart felt. (Guys, he actually had an appearance on supernatural when he was like 11, check it out!) I got alittle teary eyed when it ended. "Aw, you liked it?" He said and I wiped my eyes. "Yes" I said and he chuckled while wrapping his arms around me. It was kinda a cuddle but not really. "I can't wait for your birthday in 3 days" I said . "You remembered?" He said and I rolled my eyes "no, uh yes!" I said and he smiled.
Hope you liked this long chapter!

Finn Wolfhard imagine |neighbors|Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum