Chapter 41/ forgotten

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Yo yo yo! Hah that was so cringey. Anyways I hope you like Jordan alittle still because she makes a come back this chapter lmao.
Tate's pov:
  Me and Finn split the 200$ so I have 100$ now, cool. I walked Finn home and said goodbye and went up to my room. I noticed on my makeup vanity I had old pictures of me and jordan, I guess it's time to put those down. I went to go grab them but my phone rang, it was an unknown number, I answered anyway. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Tate this is Jordan I'm calling off my aunts phone since I know you would not answer mine", how ironic.  I was about to hang up but she kept talking "please just give me 5 minutes to talk to you" she said and I took a sigh. "Fine." I said into the phone. "Tate I'm so sorry about what I said at school I was not in my right mind that day, and I know I can't use that as an excuse but I have to proof to you that I still want to be your best friend" she said and I said back "keep going.." "I am willing to quit the swim team for you" she said and I opened my jaw, I was suprised because swimming is everything to jordan. "Okay?" I said back "I will quit swim forever." She said and followed up with "I'm so sorry, i did not mean anything I said that day. I've not really had a best friend like you before. You understand me, and you are always there for me and I was scared I was going to loose you to Finn" "jordan Finn would have never taken your place, he's my boyfriend, and your my best friend." I said and I could tell she lit up with excitement. "Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you!" She said and I laughed "don't mess this up jojo" is and she laughed. "Want to walk to school toghether tomorrow?" She asked and I said yes and hung up. I should get to bed.

6:00 am
     I just woke up to get to school and I should get ready.

  I had just finished getting ready. Today I put my hair in a high pony tail since we have to do the mile today, ew. I curled the hair that was in the pony tail. It was cute and I wrapped alittle red bow around the rubber band since I wanted to show some holiday spirit. I put on a nude lipstick and left. I saw Jordan than Finn behind her, this was going to get awkward. "Does she need to leave?" Finn asked. "No Finn, me and Jordan worked things out, it was a misunderstanding I promise" I said and nodded. Finn shrugged. "As long as you're happy, I'm happy" he said and smiled. Me and Jordan smiled back and we started to get to school. I go alittle earlier now since I want to practice for girls basketball, try outs are next week.

7 hours later:
     School finally finished! I look like a mess, as I had just done the mile run. I got 9:00 minutes, last time I got 8:00, I need to do better for the final one. I saw Finn with a group of his friends that I'm sure only use him since he's kinda famous. Famous life is hard I guess. Id never know. Finn saw me and came over to me. "Hey babe!" He said loud and clear so all the girls that like him could hear. I rolled my eyes and he hugged me. "What's up?" I asked and he smiled "my commercials and tv show guest appearance get released tomorrow!" He said and I hugged him tighter "awesome dude, I mean awesome Finn!" I said and he laughed. I saw Jordan run over to me, what's going on? "What's up jordan?" I asked and she took a deep breath since she had been running "iquittheswimteam" she said super fast, "what? Say it slower" I said and she took another deep breath "I-quit-the-swim-team" she said inbetween breaths. "Thank you jordan" I said and Finn said "yeah that's really cool of you." I smiled and so did Jordan, she wanted to join cross fit girls lifting class so she stayed at school and me and Finn left. Today was a good day.

As we were almost to my house we got a bunch of YouTube notifications, from the Question and answer video! 13k likes and 70 dislikes. Over 8k comments! We got sweet comments like "aw you guys are so cute!" Or "ah young love" or "make more!" But of course with the love there was some hate "too Young ew" or "he has frogface" or "she needs to wear less makeup!" Okay, I only wear alittle JESUS! Me and Finn shrugged off the haters and replied to some of the lovers. "Thank you so much!" And such, since we are kind Humans.
  Are you a kind human? Give feedback and star if you are!

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