Chapter 23/ videos out

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PLEASE READ: guys I'm having major writers block currently! Can some people please comment on what you think should happen next and such, thank you. Enjoy this chapter.
Chapter 23/videos out
  Tate's pov/
     I unclenched my keys from my knuckles and unlocked the front door. I saw my mom and dad waiting looking worried. "Where have you been!" They both said in sync. "I was at Finns" I replied and my said "I know you like the boy but you can't just go out in pitch black without telling us!" She said I sighed "I know mom,  but I meant to tell you I really did but I was already late" she calmed down alittle,  "late for what?" She asked. "Finn got the role in the music video remember? So when he came back from filming he and his mom made a dinner celebration and invited me and his other friends. "Okay I believe you but next time make telling us your top priority!" She said and my dad nodded and they walked away, few I thought. If she actually knew what happened I would be grounded for life! I need to take a shower.

2 hours later/
    I just finished taking a shower and cleaning my room and doing some homework. I'm actually not tired and it's already 11! I wonder if Finns up? I got my phone from the charger it was at 83% good enough. I'll FaceTime him and see if he answers. 'Blooooppppp bloooooooop' (that's my immatation of a FaceTime ring haha) it said connecting on the screen, he must be up since he answered after 2 rings. "Hey Tate" he said rubbing his eyes, he's so cute when he's tired. "Sorry if I woke you Finn, I just can't sleep but it's okay I'll let you sleep" I replied "no it's fine I could not fall asleep anyways" he said back on the screen. I wanted to see him in person but it would be to risky. "So uh what are you doing" Finn asked. "Well to be killing time I've been working on a project early" I said. "Oh, nice" he said. We ended up talking for hours about school and friends and us. 3 hours passed and he was asleep. His face was still by the camera and his rosy cheeks were pressed against his pillow. How adorable. I'm getting tired I guess. "Goodnight" I whispered and hung up. Time to get some sleep so I'm ready for school.

  *beep beep beep* I slapped my hand on my alarm struggling to find the stop button. Once it turned off my hands explored the bed trying to find my phone. I found it at the edge, I have no idea how that happened haha. I clicked on my Instagram and snapchat checking if anything cool has happened when I was asleep. Barely anything just a music video from PUP. WAIT is that Finns video? I clicked on the video watched it, it was Finns video! It's awesome, I really love the plot! I wonder if Finn knows it's out I'll text him. ' Finn, babe your pup video is out!' That's what I texted him, it took about 1 minute for him to reply, he must have been in his phone. 'I know! I was about to text you! Do you like it, wait do you love it!' He texted back. 'I love it!' I texted him back. 'Can we walk to school together' Finn asked me via text. 'Of course see you in 30.' Okay I should get ready. I threw on a fuzzy adidas black jacket and adidas pants. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I had really bad dark eyes since I had gotten little to no sleep last night. I pinned my hair up and washed my face and put rose oil on it, it made my face shiny but like good shiny. I did not want any makeup. I put my hair in my classic pony tail and curled the hair out of the pony tail. I went down stairs and saw my mom making Eggos (hehe). I went up to the toaster and grabbed one. "Hel-" I cut off my mom "I need to go love you" I yelled at my mom and kissed her cheek and took my eggo with nothing on it and went out side and was greeted by a smiling Finn. "Hey baby!" He yelled, that's new. "Hey!" I yelled hugging him and I took a bite of my eggo he laughed and we started walking. As we were walking through the woods I felt Finns hand touch mine and wrap around them. We were holding hands. Today is going to be a good day!
Sorry if this chapter was bad! I have writers block, please suggest something to happen! Thanks have a great day ! Xoxo

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