Chapter30/sleep in the heat

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     ^^^UGH HES SO CUTE WTH, anyways enjoy this chapter. IF YOU WANT TO GO TI HEAVEN give feedback and star hahahahahaha
Chapter 30/sleep in the heat 
      5 days since last chapter
Tate's pov
               Only 2 more days until I turn 15! I'm so excited, Finn turns 15 in about 2 more weeks. I can't stop thinking about how my life changed so fast. But the best part is, is that the change was a great change. Yes, I miss my old friends and my family that lived back in America, but life here is so much better. My family is NOT rich, in California we lived in a 2 bedroom condo that still cost a lot! In Canada we have a huge cabin style home for cheaper then that condo. I love how life works. Everyday for the last week Finn had been texting me 'my birthday countdown' it's funny. Oh, just got a text. "2 more days till Tate's rad birthday!" Is what it said. I texted him back "yup, now I can finally remember!" I said. He texted lmao and a laughing emoji. I haven't talked to Jordan at all, she always calls and leaves voicemails saying she's sorry, sorry not sorry but saying sorry will not cut it! If she ever wants to hang out again or even for me to look at her again she has to do something amazing, besides I'm getting to know this girl named Sarah pretty well now, she's nice and new so she has no idea I'm dating Finn. I went into my basement, I barely ever go into it, it's hella creepy! I slowly walked down the stairs as the creeks are so loud! I start running and grab my guitar and run back upstairs and slam the door shut. Few, im still alive! I keep thinking about that dream I had, that terrible dream that seemed so real! So fucking real. Whatever. I took my guitar and my phone and went to the woods, I did not go far in. I just sat on the log Finn took a picture of me on. I played "sleep in the heat" , yes in playing 2 PUP songs over and over but that's how your supposed to get it out of your head right! I played the song but only the instrumental part. I played the guitar slowly guiding my fingers across each string, than I started singing.
"I was feeling a little bizarre
The day that I buried my family car
In the scrapmetal wrecking yard"
   I was getting into the song, playing well and singing along while tapping my foot to all the Beats
"And I've said so many goodbyes
In the 25 years that I've been alive
And I don't know why this one was so hard"
     I bit my lip every time I messed up, luckily it was not a lot. I kept going now tapping my 2 feet on the dirt.
"And everytime when I go back to my apartment
All I wanna do is get stoned woahhhhh
And I'm sick and tired of blacking out on my carpet
And waking up all on my own
So I brought you home"
   This song meant a lot to me, I lost a dog when I lived in California. His name was buck, I started getting teary eyed. As I was about to sing the rest I heard a clapping sound a really slow start getting louder. "Claaaaaap claaaaap claaap clap clap clap clap" I turned around really fast, it was Finn holding his phone up. "Finn!" I yelled and dropped my guitar, "please tell me you were not recording?!" I said and gave him a pouty lip. "you.are.amazing" he said kissing my cheek and putting his phone back in his pocket, I laughed and looked at him. "I've never, ever met a girl like you" He said looking down, he was nervous. "And I've never met a boy like you" I said lifting his chin up looking into his eyes. God, I've never seen such a human. His cheek bones were raised high, he always had an elegant look. The way his eye brows raised. His style was amazing. It was vintage retro, he looks like he lives in the 80's. And I'm not complaining. His hair was always so messy and wavy, if I could I would always run my hands through his hair. He had natural plump lips, always looking pouted, "Tate?" He said, crap I got lost in my thoughts again. "Oh, uh sorry, yeah?" I said and he smirked. "Would you continue the song for me?" He asked and I smiled "really?" I asked and he nodded. I sat down back on the log and he sat on the other log across from me. I put my hair behind my ears and took a deep breath. I put my hands on the strings and continued the song. I was so into it I did not even notice his phone pointing at me, this boy I swear! After I finished the song he put his phone down. And I put my guitar down. He clapped once more. I blushed. "I love the song even more now" he said looking at me pushing his hair from his eye. I smiled. I put my guitar back in its case, this guitar meant everything to me, my dad got it for me, my mom hated that I played it for some dumb reason so that's why I hid it in the basement no one ever goes in. "I should get home" Finn said and I smiled. "Okay" I said and we hugged and walked our separate ways. Before I even walked to my front door I got a bunch of Instagram notifications! I bet he posted a video of me singing, darn that boy, darn that handsome amazing boy...
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I feel like every chapter we get to know Tate more! And Finn.

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