- Five.

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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"Stop that!" Ally scolds me and takes my hand away from my mouth. "And take this order to table six, whoever it is has been waiting more than half an hour, and I'm not in the mood to get yelled at."

"Table six can suck my ass with a straw." I mumble before taking the heavy tray from my slightly hungover friend, transporting it to table six.

I decided to finally come into work today, after spending the day with Ashlee yesterday. Although it didn't seem like it at first, she was just what I needed.

I struggle not trying to trip over my own shoes, seeing as I forgot to tie them on the way over, and make my way to table six, just to get the shock of my life.

"Arin?" I squeal happily as I look at the young man, who's now sporting more facial hair.

I put the tray down and he chuckles as he gets up from the booth, wrapping his strong arms around my waist.

Arin is one of my fathers good friends, Pastor Ray's, son. We've known each other for a whole while, and became best friend's before he set off to spread the word of God.

Honestly, I really dislike the whole people knocking on my door to tell me about Jesus-things, but I think the world could really appreciate what he's doing.

"What are you doing back?" I ask as he sits down, the smile on his face so huge that it could rip in half.

"Well I'll tell you all, only if you join me for a cup of coffee?"

I bite my lip briefly, looking through the empty diner back at Ally. She catches me eye, and nods, giving me permission.

I shrug and sit down across from him, laying my hands on the table as I stare at him in awe. He looks different now, more grown.

"So are you going to ask me stuff, or do I have to sit and state at your pretty self too?"

"You could do both." I giggle and throw my hair over my shoulder playfully, but he just stares, making me uncomfortable. "What?" I ask self-consciously.

"Nothing." He shrugs, still staring. "You just look different."

"Is it bad?"

"Not at all." He smiles, and I can't help but blush.

Arin is about the only guy my father would ever allow me to date, which is okay, seeing as I'm not that much into men anyway. Arin is also one of the few guys who've been on my tail. He told me he liked me once, but I friendzoned him so hard that he forgot his own name.

"So when did you come back?" I begin my series of questions.

"Last night." He smiles again. "Just thought that I would come see you."

"Stop." I whine, trying to fight the heat that's making its way up my neck.

"Okay." He laughs, causing it to become worse.

"And when are you leaving again?" I ask, once I've calmed down.

"Not any time soon."

"Really?" I gasp, and he nods.

"I'm here to stay now Mani."

He has no idea how much this means to me. Although I will probably always have Ally, Ashlee and Arielle in my corner, it wouldn't hurt to have Arin there too.

Plus, he's different because he's a male, so now I get to get someone else's opinion from a different view as well.

"So what's been going on in your life, Mani?" He asks, focusing all his attention on me.

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