- Fifty Four.

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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"Good Morning." I cover my mouth with the back of my hand as a yawn tries to escape.

"Hi." I speak along with the chorus of good mornings coming from the others. I smile when I feel Dinah pull my chair closer with her foot.

It was around eight. Way too early to think. But when Zayn emails everyone the previous night and demands a meeting, that's what you get.

Even that other bitch with the no air was here.

"So good news all."

It seemed that Zayn himself was the only person excited as he was the only one wearing a smile, and he received no responses.

"So nobody is going to ask me what the good news is? It's not fun when you guys are like this." He juts his bottom lip out into a pout.

"We're tired. It's early." Dinah complains, but takes a deep breath and throws on a fake smile. "But what is it Zayn?"

"Since you asked..." his grin grows as he nods at Blair, who I assume is going to take the reins from here.

"So I was here all day yesterday perfecting the video." He starts. I was right. "And just yesterday, a little around late afternoon, I was able to finish."

There's a silence.

"Did nobody hear? The video is-"

"-the video is finished?" Jordin speaks up. "Damn. And you edited it?"

"I am qualified." Blair lightly rolls his eyes. "Zayn asked me to assist the camera men." He lies.

He wasn't there? Was he?

"So when it came to the editing part, I already knew most of what was going on, and also had Keke to assist." He explains further to whoever is listening.

The gears in my mind are turning. Was Blair there, or was him leaving with Dinah Jane my imagination? 

"Anything from you? Normani?"

I look up feeling quite a few pairs of eyes on me. I force myself to smile - it's not that I'm not happy or anything, its just that something feels off - "When can I tell Travis?"

"Whenever you want. But there's another thing on the agenda." He shifts the topic. "Your release party."

"What release party?" I frown.

"Of the music video."

"People throw release parties for one thing? Damn." I mumble, causing Zayn to chuckle.

"The video will draw a lot of attention, I can promise you that." Blair pipes up from his seat.

"Friday or Saturday? Which is better?" Zayn asks, but I remain silent.

This was too much to take in.

Between running away from home, my father disowning me, going head to head with a girl who I used to dislike and winning, to finally releasing my own song, doing a music video and then having something to celebrate that?


I think I'm getting emotional.

And I think Dinah senses it too by the way her hand slides over my thigh and grips my hand. "Saturday." She speaks for me, sending me a questioning look to which I nod.

"Saturday it is." Zayn closes a book as he smiles.

Such a character.

"We'll meet again soon to speak more of this, but for now." He checks his wrist, eyeing his expensive watch. "I have another meeting to get to."

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