- Thirteen.

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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"Hey there." Tinashe bumps my shoulder as she sits down next to me. It's almost nine am, and Zayn still hasn't arrived, but I don't mind, I don't need negativity this early in the morning anyway.

"Hi." I reply, more quietly than she spoke. "Haven't seen you in a while."

"Have to go see the family every now and then." She smiles, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "How about you? Visit your family often?"

I feel my heart drop to my stomach as I shake my head no. "They live too far away, and I'm not exactly on good terms with my dad right now."

"Oh." I can tell that she doesn't want to push it, so I decide to change the subject.

"Zayn said he's posting Camila and I's covers on YouTube." I tell her, and she gasps.

"Really?" I nod. "You go girl!"

"Only problem is Camila's is there too." I voice my insecurities. "What if she gets more likes than me."

"Then she gets more likes than you, who cares?" Tinashe shrugs. "It's only a while before someone exposes her for whatever she is. It happens all the time in Hollywood. The only good thing about it, is you're benefiting as well. So. Stop. Worrying."

"O-okay." I nod uneasily and look down at my feet, since they were looking mighty interesting.

Camila walks in then, sneering as she walks past us. Tinashe rolls her eyes at the woman, and then turns back to me. "So is there a part of you that's still excited?"

"Eh."I shrug. "Kind of. I'm just excited to see it there, nothing more, nothing less."


"Sorry everyone. I'm late." Zayn announces as he walks into the studio, interrupting Tinashe.

"It's hello everyone, sorry that I am late." T corrects him. "Why are you telling us that you're late when we can clearly see?"

"Thank you for your daily dose of sarcasm T, where would we be without it?"

Tinashe just shrugs in response as we all wait for him to speak.

"Dinah will be uploading your covers on YouTube tonight." He speaks up, and Camila squeals happily. The rest of us all look at her, Tinashe snorting.

"Sorry." She mumbles and then looks back at Zayn expectantly.

"Any way, I came here to tell you that I have to cut the time short today, because on Friday evening, it will be the announcing of my new label, and my album listening party. And you both, also you Tinashe, will be there." He says, causing me to freak out. I'm going to an actual album listening party. "This is because I have to show you two off as well." He adds, causing my smile to drop. I'm not one for attention. "You both know that I said that I'll be signing both of you, but only mentoring one. You two will be the first two people signed to my label, so I'll get the contracts out to you as soon as I can. But they must be signed by Friday, you two got that?"

Camila and I nod simultaneously, and he smiles at our cooperation. "But right now, I've got to go. I've got some boring meeting, and this means that you two are dismissed. Be back here tomorrow by eight thirty." He says before sliding his glasses over his eyes. "Have a blessed day."

"What a jerk." I mumble as he leaves the room.

"What a whore." Tinashe mumbles as Camila runs after him.

"Need a ride home?" Tinashe asks, turning to me. "I know you came here with Dinah, but I think that she's still busy in the studio."

"Uh... no thanks." I smile. There was no way in hell that I was going to sit cooped up in the house again, even though I was a home body. "I'll just go find Dinah."

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