- Thirty.

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May 31. Still Normani's Birthday.

Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"Hey Mani, I'm going to... Mani, you good?" Dinah asks, her facial expression concerned as she enters my room.

I nod frantically, trying my best to cover up my stomach. I hated being exposed. Well, it was a sweatpants and bra, but still.

"You sure, because you don't look-"

"-Dinah." I chuckle, cutting her off as I try my best to smile. "I'm okay."

"Oh. Well then I was actually going to go and pick up the cake I had ordered for you this morning." She jabs a thumb towards the front door. "Wanna come with me?"

"I'm actually waiting for Arin." I admit, and she raises her eyebrows as she tries to understand what I'm talking about. "My friend."

"Oh." She nods, now understanding. "Okay, well, I'll go pick it up. I'll lock the door from the outside. You have your key, right?"

"Right." I dangle the set in the air, and she smiles.

"Good. I won't be long."

I nod and she hesitates for a second, standing in front of the door. "I... never mind..." she huffs and then grabs her purse. "I'll be back soon."

I wave her off, and wait until she gets out of the house to throw my shirt on the floor. My stomach was extremely irritated, and that was making me irritated.

I am so pissed at Kehlani because she was the one who made me do it. Even though I did it willingly, I can still blame her for giving me such a gift.

I then grab my phone and clench my jaw, ready to send her a very strongly worded essay about why I'm mad at her and why she should lay off me tonight. Worst part is, I was still a bit tipsy. Kehlani fed me some more alcohol at the tattoo parlour while she fixed up some of her own, claiming that today was independence day for me.

I was so tipsy, that every time I tried to type Kehlani, auto correct gave me Keanu, and everytime I pressed delete, I accidentally pressed send. So this is how it looked.

Me (15:57) : I am so mad at you Keanu.

Me (15:58) : I mean Keanu.

Me (15:58) : KEANU.

Me (15:58) : KWh.

Me (15:59) : Legal.

Me (15:59) : Oh, just froget it.

I saw the last typo, but decided not to fix it. Kehlani might get flattered and think that I'm "blowing her phone up".

I sigh dramatically and stare at the black screen of my phone. Ally called this morning, my sisters called as I was getting home from the tattoo parlour, and Arin sent me a text just after to let me know he was on his way.

I was flattered, really. I loved that even if I was far away, they still knew how to make me feel loved. Only problem is... my dad hasn't called.

I know that we're not on good terms. At all. But still. It's my birthday, he should at least send a text. I would do the same.

But I guess that he hasn't thought of that. Or he just didn't care.

I stare up at the ceiling, evaluating my life. So... through these past three months, I saw my dad once, haven't seen my sisters or best friends either, got a record deal, beat Camila into getting a mentorship which is basically just special treatment at this point, gained two new friends that I'm extremely grateful for, and I moved into a girl, who I had developed an insane crush on's, house. I also have a "sex tape" of Zayn and Camila, and I just recently got back from the tattoo parlour.

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