- Seven.

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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

Being in a new city was kind of refreshing, I guess. But the living circumstances were a different thing.

So let me re-evaluate.

Here I am, Normani Kordei Hamilton, in the strange town of Hunters Valley with no friends or family surrounding me, competing for my mother and I's dream.


But then again, here I am as well. Normani Kordei Hamilton in a new town with tons of strangers.

I don't know how to feel anymore.

Am I happy? Am I sad? Am I confused? Probably.

"Listen, I would invite you to stay  with me." Zayn says, leaning against his expensive sports car as he looks off into the distance. He has large dark shades on his face, so I can't tell how he's feeling right now. "But my place is being renovated, and I'm living in a hotel, and I would-"

"-It's okay." I cut him off before he can say anything that could possibly hurt me. Out of the two to three conversations I've had with the man, I've noted that he was very blunt. Unintentionally, of course. "I get it." I assure him and then look around at the well kept garden and front yard. "I think I'll like it here." I add, trying to make sure that he gets the message.

Although he was an extremely attractive man, he made me very uncomfortable. I could never sense what he was feeling, or he always belittled me.

I didn't know how I thought that I was ever going to work for this man, but I'm here now, so I have to woman up, and step up to the plate.

"Yeah, it's..." he pauses as if he's thinking for the proper word. "Cute and small." He finishes the sentence. "Yeah, cute and small." He repeats, his head moving from left to right as he looks around. "Anyways." He claps his hands, gaining my undivided attention. That was another thing about him. He was a commander, it didn't seem as if he took orders from anyone. He demanded respect by his actions instead of his words. It's really crazy. "I have to get going. I have to... feed my fish?" He says unconvincingly and then curses under his breath. "I'll see you tomorrow Nor-"

"-Mani." I finish his thought, trying not to sound pissed. He clearly was the hit-it-and-quit-it type of guy who never remembered their conquests names. But I'm not here to be a conquest.

"Right." He gives me a small smile before opening his butterfly door, letting it rise before getting into the car. "I'll see you at the studio at eight thirty sharp."

I open my mouth to protest, but settle on just nodding instead. I had no mode or form of transportation, so I had no idea how I was going to get there. But then I heard that voice in the back of my head. That one that was telling me that I was here on my own will; the one that was telling me that I wanted this, so I would make it happen.

"Eight thirty sharp." I repeat with another simple nod. Satisfied, he pulls his car door down and starts the engine before nodding at me and speeding off down the street, leaving tyre marks as evidence.

I look up to the sky for guidance before taking a deep breath and entering the already opened house door.

When I was told that I would be living with a stranger, I wasn't exactly keen, but then I remembered that I didn't have anything else but my debit card that barely had that much money on it, so... beggars can't be choosers, can they Normani?

Plus, the girl I was going to be staying with didn't seem too... difficult. She seemed nicer than most people here.


Our Song. (Norminah) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang