- Thirty Seven.

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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"I'll see you at the studio at eight thirty?" Jordin asks, a hopeful tone in her voice as she smiles at me, her chest rising and falling as a result of the jog we just came from.

"Damn, you still gotta work?" Kehlani asks, and I glare at her mildly before turning to the singer with a smile.

"Sure." I try my best to keep it together, but once she nods - a sign of farewell - and turns to leave, I basically crumble, putting my hands on my knees as I breathe in and out quickly. "What is she on?" I ask, referring to Jordin.

"Girl." Is all Kehlani says for a while. "Remind me why I'm here for a quick second. Like jog my memory."

"Because you wanted to be forward and impress the pretty girl?" I ask, hopefully ringing a bell in her ears.

"Oh yeah." she smacks her lips. "You know what I hate?" She asks as she leans back against her car, taking a blunt out of her pocket, causing my eyes to widen.

"You can't smoke that here!"

"Chill." She instructs me. "Anyway." She pulls out her lighter. "Do you know what I hate?"

I decide to humour her, even though I'm feeling a bit uneasy about her smoking. "No." I shake my head. "What?"

"Smart girls. Like you and Jordin." She says, taking a long drag, holding it for a bit for the effect of her words, and then releasing the smoke into the air. "Do you know that with stupid girls, you can just get into their pants so easily. You just say hi, offer to buy them a drink, flash some money, and then they get all giggly?"

"No." I answer truthfully.

"But then with smart girls, I have to do things. Look at me." She rolls her eyes as she brings the blunt back to her lips. "Working out and stuff." She mumbles before taking a short drag and quickly releasing the smoke. "Why can't she just... damn, I stink." She raises her arms.

I just shake my head at her in disapproval as she puts the blunt out after one more drag. "So are you going to take me home now, or...?"

"Do you have spare clothes with you or something?" She asks while unlocking the car.

"Yeah." I shrug. "Why?"

"Because why don't you just shower at my place?" She asks, as if it's the most logical explanation in the world.

"Because a, you're a perv, and maybe you're just luring me in. And b, you're high. So just know that even though I'm sitting in this car with you, I'm not completely safe." I answer her, and then for effect, look out of the window.

I hear her laugh lowly before responding. "Okay, I'm not high, first of all." She begins. "It'll take a lot more than that to get me high, that's like my daily bread." She explains my issue of her being intoxicated. "And also, you know that even though I do hit on you, I won't make a move because I respect your relationship with Pretty Girl. Done. So chill, come shower at my place, hang out for a bit, tell Pretty Girl you'll see her later..."

After some serious thinking, I decide and shrug my shoulders as I pull out my phone. "Well, why the hell not?"


"I love your shower." I gush as I sit down next to Kehlani on her bed.

"It's cute, yeah." She shrugs as she sits up a little.

"What are you looking at?" I ask, being nosy as I try to peer over her shoulder.

"This. She's good." Kehlani notes.

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