- Twenty Two.

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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"I want to give you some love. I want to give you some good good lovin'."

I watched as dreamworld me turned around, looking for where the music was coming from. "Lauryn?"

I mentally snorted. Not even K. Michelle could make an appearance in my dream, how could Lauryn Hill?

I furrowed my brow as I heard angelic notes being sung, but I couldn't figure out where they were coming from. I opened my eyes slowly, and thankfully it wasn't a pain to do so, adjusting my eyes to the light that was pouring through the closed curtains. It was as if it was summer here all the time, but I wasn't complaining. Hell, the weather back at home was bipolar and always windy, so I appreciated the everyday beach weather. Even though I've never been to the beach, or need to. I don't go tanning.

I still here the music, but it's not Lauryn Hill singing. Well, it is, but there's another voice added to the music. The music restarts and so does the amazing vocals, so I get up and make my way over to where the noise is coming from, my curiosity eating at me.

I stifle a yawn as I check the time and notifications on my phone that was resting on Dinah's bedside table. I clear all the notifications, feeling bad as I haven't spoken to those back home in a while, only because I've been busy. I'll call them after Friday. It's only a bit before seven, so I'm still fine.

I make my way over to the kitchen where the music is blasting from a small and quite ancient looking radio. But the voice... The voice is coming from Dinah, whose back is currently turned to me while doing something on the kitchen stove.

I thought she couldn't cook.

Scratch that, I thought that she couldn't sing.

"I want to give you some good good loving."

Her voice is rich and... amazing. Wow. I just... Wow.

She bumps her head along to the music as she continues her task.

As usual, when idle, my body starts to do funny things. Like tripping. I didn't even move, but I find myself holding onto the wall for support.

"I- hey." I look up and am met with Dinah's beautiful dark eyes, pressed into a line as her smile is wide. She seems happy. "Tea?"

"Morning." I smile, seeing that she's not mad that I was basically spying on her. "And tea would be nice, thanks."

"Okay." She shrugs and goes over to the kettle.

I eye her uneasily. She seems to be in a good mood. "Good day?"

"Well the day did just start, so no." She chuckles, getting the cups down. "But I did have a good morning."

"Uh huh." I hold into the chair in front of the table so that I don't fall over anywhere. "How so?"

I was a curious person. Curiosity was second nature to me, so I always asked questions, trying to seem discreet, but I probably wasn't.

"Got a lot of stuff done. So thanks for lending me the couch. It's my inspiration." She says, handing me a warm, purple cup full of vanilla flavoured tea.

"Thanks to yourself, you offered me your bed."

"Only because yours was wet." She argues and sits down at the table.

"And whose fault was that?"

"Yours, obviously. You're the one who threw water on it." I roll my eyes, setting the cup down. I wasn't a fan of breakfast before having my teeth cleaned.

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