Chapter one:Dreams do come true

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~Marian POV ~

I twitch in my sleep as I heard the annoying sound of the alarm waking me up from my pleasant sleep.
I half opened my eyes as the bright sun radiated through the curtains.
I immediately remembered something as I rushed out of my bed.

Shit, I completely forgot that I have a meeting with the head Director of the University of Western Australia.

Oh yeah you guys might be wondering who I am right? Well, My name is Marian and I am 20 years old. As I mentioned I am a University student at University of UWA. 
I am currently at my second year of my Medicine degree. I  am studying to be a Neuro surgeon.
Now lets get ready for the meeting.
I quickly raced into the bathroom and took nice shower. I came out of the shower and blow dryed my hair. I took my suit outfit out because I have to  dress formally ( outfit pic at the top)  and then did my makeup and went out to have breakfast.

I saw my mum at the dining table with the most beautiful smile on her face "Good morning mum" I said smiling to her and placed a soft kiss on her forhead. "Good Morning sweety" she replied with her angelic smile. You guys might be wondering why I am living with my parents when I am already 20 years old. Well my mum is the only person I have of beside my younger brother since my father passed away when I was 10 years old and my younger brother was 5 years old. Since then my mother always wanted us to live together as a family and support one another so I never moved out of my parent's house. Talking of my younger brother where is he? "Mum where is Jayden isnt time for school" I asked mum. "Well your younger brother spent last night playing games recklessly so it looks like he is still sleeping" my mum replied. I nodded well  it is true my brother is oppsessed with games  especially boxing. He has numerous of  Wwe games in his rooms.

I took a glance at the dining table there was pancakes, scrambled eggs and toasts placed on the dining table along with milk and orange juice. I quitely eat my breakfast along with mum and then my brother joined us."Good Morning Mum and sis" he said while giving a kiss on mum's forehead. "Good Morning Jayden" me and mum replied. He pulled a chair and started eating his breakfast.

After finishing the delicious breakfast, I looked at my watch and it said it is already 7:45 am. I widen my eyes and immediately got off my chair turning around and gave a kiss on mum forhead and pat my brother's back and said my goodbyes and left to see the Director of the University.

I took my key out of my Channel bag and got into my car. I connected my phone to the music Connector and put Beyonce song "If I were a boy". I kept singing along with the tune when suddenly my phone rang.

"Hey my bitch" I said knowing well who was calling me. "Hey, you are so mean calling me bitch early in the morning, be glad I am your best friend that is why I tolerate your shit" she replied with a laughter. " that is why I called you a bitch because you are my bitch and no one else can call you that or I will knock that person untill they pass out" I said giggling abit with her words. "Anyways have you arrived to the university yet?". "No I am still driving to there " I said.
"Well good luck" she said and disconnected on me.

I was startled by that because she never does that so I found it abit weird like she knew something I didnt know. I just shrugged and continued driving to the uni.

I arrived at a office which said " Edward Luke, Head Director of  the medicine department" I knocked on the door as I waited for a permission to get in. "Come in" I heard and went in pushing the door gently.
"Good Morning Mr Edward" I said as I faced a man who looked like he was in his early 40s but still had a well- built body and had beautiful skin complexion with beautiful dimples which showed when he smiled his eye smile. He truly looked amazing. I was taken back into reality when he coughed abit and he said "Good morning Miss Marian, how you doing"? While shaking my hands. He directed his hands to the chair signalling me to sit. I bowed abit and said thank you.

"you might be wondering why did I suddenly called you to meet me right?" I just nodded to him cause I was also wondering why did he summoned me. It is not like i am failing in any of my courses or misbehaving so I was abit curious.

"Well the thing is Miss Marian we have decided to send you to work as an intern". I was shocked as my eyes widened. I was surprised because you don't get to work as an intern at a hospital untill your 3rd year and I am only in my second year.
The Director seemed to understand my confusion as he looked at me and cleared his throat "Marian I know you must be surprised to know this but I am really proud of you because even though you are just in your 2nd university you have done excellent in all the experiments and the surgeries you have assisted with the other doctors. I think you are a quick learner and I don't regret any bit sending you to work as an intern" he smiled at you as he said that. I smiled because I  was shocked but in a good way and was very proud of myself. I smiled at him and thanked him for that.
And then I thought where would I be working as an intern and looked at the Director expecting him to tell me which hospital will I work at. He seemed to understand and he said "Marian you will be working at one of the best hospitals in the world and that is Seoul National Hospital" he said with a smile. I frowned abit at a confusion because as far as I know Seoul is in South Korean and why would he send me all the way to south Korea when I can just work here.
The Director said " Marian I know you must be shocked that I am sending all the way to Seoul when you can just work here but trust me this will be a good experience for you as we have send some of our best students before who are now a well known doctors and have a name around the world
I believe that this will be a journey for you which will help you in your career and you will also get to enjoy the Seoul life and culture. Trust me Miss  Marian you you will love this and will thank me later" he said with a big smile. I actually dont mind going because I actually love travelling and experiencing other cultures. If I didn't want to be a doctor I would have became a world traveller. I just smiled and said " Thank you Mr Edward. I really appreciate your thoughts and I accept the offer". His smile grew bigger and he said " great Miss Marian, I know you will do well and there will be now problem since you already know the language as you took Korean during your 1st year so I believe you will face no problem. The fees and the accommodation will be handled by the University so dont worry about it. Here are your tickets and your flight is tomorrow at 2pm. Hope you have a great time" the Director said. I smiled at him and thanked him and shaked his hands as I left the office.

South Korea here I come I thought as I got into my car and drove my car towards home.

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