chapter 11: Date at Han River

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~Suho POv~

Seeing her in that dress made her look like an angel descending from heaven. She truly looked breathtaking.
After picking her up from her condo I took her to the amusement park. She really looked like a child playing playfully around.
Her innocent smile that can brighten any person's day, her beautiful dimples that are so cute on her and even enhance her beauty, her long slender body with the perfect curves and her beautiful tan skin make her look the most beautiful girl in the world. She REALLY was breathingly gorgeous.

After playing around at the amusement park and trying different rides we went to eat since we were both hungry. I took her to this beautiful restaurant that is my favourite out of all, to have lunch.

After settling down, I started the conversation before things got awkward between us.
She told me about her family and how many siblings she had. Surprisingly she had one younger brother only which means she is the eldest child just  like me.
After that I asked her if she had any boyfriend.
"Marian have you ever had any boyfriends"

After being hesitant, she answered
"Yeah suho Oppa I did have one but he turned out to be an ass because he was cheating on me right after the  confession"

What an idiot! Why will he do that to himself. She is such a pretty girl, good hearted girl basically any mans dream girl and he cheated on her for another girl
He truly is the definition of an idiot.

But I am glad because this means I have a chance. Yes you guys heard it right! I wanted to confess to her but I feared rejection and thought she already had a boyfriend. Well any pretty girl like her wouldn't be single right?

"what an idiot he doesn't know what he is missing" I blurted out unconsciously.
Shit I hope she didn't heard that.

After having lunch at the restaurant, we went to the beach to see the sunset.
"Marian have you seen the beach yet in here"
" No suho Oppa I haven't"  she pouted
Aghh stop doing that Marian I can't help it she looked so cute that it makes me want to grab her cheeks playfully!

" okay lets go I will take you there" I said and holded her hand. The moment I did that I felt an electricity going through my spine. This is new feeling that I feel whenever I touch her. It must mean I really iam in love with her!

~Marian POV~

Suho Oppa said we will go to the beach after having lunch. When he holded my hand I felt butterflies dancing in my tummy. I have never felt this type of feelings even when I was dating and had a major crush on my ex boyfriend. This is all foreign feelings to me but the most shocking news is............ I like this foreign feeling I have towards Suho Oppa.

I feel like I am getting to know him more every time I spend time with him.

We finally arrived the beach and Suho Oppa was still holding my hand with our fingers entertwined. I smile liking the warmth his hands provide.

And to not get recognised suho Oppa is fully disguised making him difficult to be identified as the leader of the famous kpop band Exo.

We watched the sun as it sets. The water reflecting the color of the sun.
In this moment I wanted time to stop because it felt too unreal and like  dream. I am here watching as the sum sets beautiful reflecting the water making our face glow.
I took a glance of Suho Oppa and our eyes met
He gave me a bright smile. His eyes glowing with love and honesty. I felt I am getting lost in those beautiful looking eyes. I blush as he holded our hands and entertwined our fingers once again. I smiled and looked away as I felt my face was getting hotter and cheeks were becaming red.

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