Sorry: part 3

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The ride towards the couple's date was a quite one. The atmosphere around them was very silent but it wasn't because they were awkward with one another but because, they were enjoying each other's company and the peaceful feeling that lingered around them.

Suho kept humming silently to some lyrics which Marian had no idea of but to her, it still sounded nice because they were coming out from her man's mouth.

Anything he said were nice,from her perspective.

After a little drive, they finally arrived at their destination; the port,where they will go for romantic cruise ship date. They both walked out of the car and Suho grabbed his girlfriend's hand with a smile tugged on his face.

"Are you trying to kidnap?"

"You know if you do so, my fangirls wouldn't leave you alone."

He tried to joke with her when they arrived at the secluded port.

Marian pouted as she lightly hit his chest which earned a manly chuckle from Suho.

The two silently walked, hands laced and body touching. First thing that they saw was an entrance, with a heart shaped decoration and with lights that made it glow. With that, the entrance also had a name written on it.

Kim Junmyeon + Marian

A wide grin crept on Suho's face as he turned his head around looking at how the entrance was beautifully decorated.

"Jagiya, this is so beautiful"

Suho said while still admiring their names crafted on the entrance. He looked down and smiled at Marian as their eyes met.

"Thank you babe"

He kissed her forehead so sweetly that it made her feel goosebumps, her skin hair erect.

She grinned at him as they continued walking inside the port, towards their ship.

Suho stood still, mouth open wide.

"Is this what I am thinking babe?"

"Are we going for a date, inside the boat?" He asked with amused face, looking at her surprisingly.

She nodded.

In happiness, he pulled her waist pulling her for a sweet, passionate kiss that she never experienced before.

They both melted into the kiss and were fully making out.

Marian with all her inner strength, pulled out from the kiss because of lack of air.

" Babe, let's go in"

Mariam took his hands and they got into the boat.

Marian smiled wide at how the workers had done the decorations inside the ship so well, like how she told them.

The ship that they were in was small but it was enough for the two. It had a modern feel to it and the design was beautiful. There was candles lighten and dinner table that was set up. Champagne and food on the table. Away from the dinning table was little cute couch which was perfect for cuddling. Further inside the ship was a king sized bed with a fluffy blankets and cute bunny pillows.

How I met Exo SuhoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora