Chapter 33: Best friend!

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Marian Pov

I pulled the car and parked it. I am now at the airport to pick Noor up and I can't wait to see her. I miss having her around and it is good that she is here in Seoul  even if  it is for business reasons. As you may know, that girl loves food and the main reason she is here beside visiting me is to open her own restaurant in Seoul.

I entered inside the airport and stood next to the arrival gate. After 5 minutes, I see her coming towards me with a big smile on her face.


She screams loud and engulfs me in a hug. That hugs she gives are so comforting.

" OMG! I miss you"

I screamed out too as I hugged her tighter. I don't care if the people were giving us weird stares because of how we were so touchy. We both love skin ships.

As we pulled out from the hug, she looks me from head to toe, basically checking me out. Her face widens as she sees the couple chain I was wearing.

" We got a lot to talk about"

She says shaking her head. I nervously scratched my head as she took my wrist and pulled me.

" Ah, the weather is nice here. It is so cool and fresh"

Noor inhales the cool breeze Seoul air. I don't blame her. Australia has humid climate in summer and in winter it isn't even that cold.

No snow fall at all.

" Just wait for the snow fall. It is so pretty"

I replied as I smiled remembering the first snow fall I experienced with Suho.

" Girl you got lots to tell me"

Noor says while furrowing her eyebrows.

" Okay let's go now. I will tell you when we reach home."

I took the other luggage and placed it in the car.

" Ah, when's did you start listening to  Kpop songs? I guess Seoul has done it is spell on you?"

She laughs when she heard Exo Growl playing inside the car.

"Seoul is such a good place. Fantastic food and Fantastic weather. You will love your stay in here"

" Beside that, I want to feel some chocolate abs. Seeing those Korean actors on my screen has had me fantasy about it how it feels to actually touch them"

She says while licking her lips.

" Ewww you so dirty"

I said as I took a quick glance at her.

" Just in my mind"

She replies while winking. I laughed at how she was herself. I still love her.

" Stop, you will never change will you"

I said giggling.

" Nope! and I am sure you wouldn't want me to change habibty/love".

" That is true"

I said as I laughed.

" what is your plan in here beside your business?"

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