Chapter 40: Trauma

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Suho P.O.V

After that nice dance with Marian, I told her that I will go and get us drinks since she seemed dehydrated.However, It took me a long time to get us drink because the boys keep stopping me whenever they noticed me passing by. At the end, I finally got us drinks and when i arrived at our spot, Marian wasn't there. I looked around confusingly trying to find her but she wasn't around. I scooped my phone out of my pocket as i decided to call her but before doing that, i received a text from Marian. The texts had me worrying for her. I was getting all nervous and scared of what could have happen to her. Before i could go and find her, the boys came back.

"Hyung, where is noona?". Sehun asked smiling at me but when he saw my worried face, his smile dissappeared.

"Hyung, what happen?"

He questioned worriedly. All the guys kept asking me question while i stood there.

"She needs help. I can't find her and i just received this texts from her" I showed them the texts.

" Oh my God! MARIAN". Noor shouted as a tear escaped her eyes.

"We need to go" I said. I told them to go in groups. Kris, me and Sehun went together. D.O, Noor and Xiumin in another group. Kai, Chanyeol and Luhan in a group while Lay, Tao, Baekhyun and Chen went in the same group.

We went out and tried to look at different places. I was so scared and worried for her.

"If something happens to her,I wouldn't forgive myself" i mumbled. Kris patted me in an attempt to comfort me but I can't be comfortable when my source of comfort could be in danger.

I went towards dark alleyway while the other two went the opposite side. Suddenly I heard my name,


I stood still. I know for sure that was Marian's voice. I immediately run towards the direction where i thought the voice echoed from.

Please jagi be okay

3rd P.OV

At the other side, the man slapped Marian's face as he told her to shut up. Her lips cracked as he slapped her hard with full strength. Marian could taste blood in her mouth. Tears were flowing from her eyes. Her hair were all messed up as the man gripped her hair tightly. She yelped because of the pain she was feeling in her scalp because of his tight grip. She felt numb.

"That is what you should have done. Why try to escape when you know that no one is going to help you". He smirks as he locked eyes with hers. She spat on his face because of his remarks. This just fuelled his anger as he slapped her again and kicked her on her abdomen.

"OUCH!" she cries as he kept hitting her. You could see the pleasure the man was getting by hitting her.

"SUHO" she cries once again as he continued to violate her body.

"That is enough hitting. Now let"s get to the point" he remarks as he made her stand up. She felt dead, her energy drained because of all the hitting she got.

"You don't know how beautiful you look. You look helpless, desperate and in pain." He smirks as he places his dirty finger in her chin, making her look at him. He gets closer as she tries to move back, shaking her head desperately telling him to stop. He immediately tears her white lacy dress, exposing her tighs.

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