Chapter 2: Seoul City

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~Marian POV~

I reached home after my meeting with the Director. I was actually looking forward to my trip to Seoul. I reached the front of my house and got into the house.
I saw mum on her phone while sitting in the living room. She took a glance at me and smiled. I just smiled at her and took my heels of, slipped on my slippers and sat next to her on the couch. When she finished talking on the phone she turned around and looked at me. "Mum" I said fidgeting with my fingers. "what is it sweety" Mum said. I took a long breath and said " Mum I got an offer to work as an intern" she looked surprised and then engulfed me into a hug. I was startled but hugged a back. Mum looked at me and said with tears on her eyes " sweety I am so proud of you" and kissed my forehead. I looked at her and said with courage " Mum the thing is I have to work as in intern in south Korea and not here".  Her smile dropped but came back again. She pat my hair and said " I know it will be hard for me to accept but I know you want to do this. This has always been your dream and I am not going to stop you from achieving your goals". I was so happy and relieved because I thought Mum would not like it. I pulled her into a hug to show her my greatfullness and sobbed. She pulled me back and wipped my tears with her fingers.

It is now 5pm and I am packing my clothes for tomorrow flight. "Marian have you got everything" my mum said for the thousand times today. I sigh and smile and just nodded. Seriously mums worry too much.

After packing everything, it is already 9pm and I went to the bathroom in my room to shower and after that brushed my teeth. I went to the living room and saw mum in the kitchen. I kissed her on the cheeks and said "Good night mum" she replied "Good night sweety, sleep tight". I went to my brother room and saw him once again playing games. My young brother will never change I shook my head. I went in and said " Jay why are you still awake. You still have school tomorrow" he just shrugged and said "sis I am not sleepy".  I just pat his hair and said "Well just try to sleep early" and started walking out towards the door. Before I leave I hear "sis" "mhh" I said and turned around to see Jayden in tears. I frowned and run to him. "shhh Jay why are you crying?" I asked as I hug him tightly. "I will miss you alot sis, why are you leaving me" he sobbs hard. I just hug him tight. I never thought he will say such thing.

My young brother even though he is only 14 years old is the type of person who will never show the others his emotions. He doe'snt expresses his emotions much so for him to cry and say such thing is making my heard break. I hug him tighter as he calms down abit. He looks at me with tired eyes. My heart just broke to pieces seeing him so sad and broken. A tear dropped from my face and my brother wiped with his fingers and said "sis don't cry please, I don't want to see you sad. I know this is your dream and I will never stop you from achieving your dreams so dont worry and be sad about it. I am just sad because I will miss you soo much but your dream is my first priority and I support you in this." I am speechles when did my young brother mature so fast. I am very grateful to God for such an amazing family. I smile wide and say " Thank you baby brother, you know I love yoh right?" I said. He laughs with tears and he says " sis you are so cute and offcourse I know you love me since I am your only brother" .  I just smile and pat his head. "Don't be sad. Your sister will definitely be back to you. Now go to bed and sleep it is late" I said. He nodded and sat on his bed. I took the blanket and covered him. "Good night Jay" I said as I turn the lights of. "Good night sis" I heard as I slowly closed Jay room door.

I head into my room and got into my blanket. My eyelid got heavy and I drifted into sleep.

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