Chapter 36: Stress

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Marian P.O.V

A sigh escaped my plump lips as I flipped through the pages of my Medical book. It has been five months and 2 weeks since I have been in Korea. This whole week, I have been doing my intern Practical and prepare for my coming up exam as well. This exam is really important because it will asses me on everything I have learned while working as an intern at Seoul National Hospital
Honestly, if you are a medical student, every single assignment amd exams are important. This is why i have been studying for 10 continuous hours. My eyes feels drowsy and my body feels drained out of energy but there is nothing else I can do because tomorrow is the exam.

Sudden knock, on the door made me get up of my sit reluctantly. I wondered who it would be. Noor was away for a week to Incheon for business reasons and suho oppa was also doing his schedule.


As i opened the door, it turned out to be suho oppa. I thought he had schedule today.

He pecked my lips as he invited himself inside.

"You need to take a break". Suho pleads as he scanned at my table that had books, notes and 12 coffee cups that were emptied out by me. He couldn't see how I were killing myself with working and studying at the same time.

I understand where he was coming from but still, I couldn't just stop studying when the exam is tomorrow. So I just ignore him and continued studying and stressing as i took notes of important phrases.




"Can't you hear me, For god's sake". He snatched the textbook from me as he looked at me with a concerned look.

Honestly, I didn't hear anything he was saying. Maybe, i really was stressing. A single tear escaped my eyes.

I looked up at him, my eyes glistening with wet tears. His eyes immediately softened as he pulled me for bone crushing hug.

"Shhh, It is okay. You are doing so good Jagi. Dont stress so much. I know you will do amazing in your exam tomorrow". He comforted me with his comforting words and light touches.

When I calmed down, he took my hand as he says,

"Lets go, we are going out of here". He grabs my coat as he makes me wear it and I just smile at his caring gesture.

" But oppa, I have a test tomorrow". I try to convince him but he just ignore me as he laces my fingers with his and takes his keys out of his pants pocket.

"Where are we going?. Where are you taking me oppa?". He opens the passenger door for me and makes me sit as he just ignores my questions. He walks around, towards the driver seat. The car ignition starts and he flashed me a huge grin as he backs out from the parking lot.

I sigh and gave up in finding where he was taking me because I was too tired to figure out. I roll the window mirror and the cool night air gushing out from the opened window, made me fall to a much needed sleep.

I woke up as I felt someone carrying me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Suho carrying me bridal style.

"Oh, you are awake?". Suho flashes me, a wide, perfectly white smile transforming his face. I nodded as i confusedly looked around to figure out where we were.

"Han river". I mumbled. The scene was beautiful and it reminded me when Suho oppa first asked me to be his girlfriend. I smiled at the memory of us.

"This is where I asked the most beautiful woman in the world to be mine". Suho smiles as we sat down where we first sat on our first date.

" My girl was stressed and nothing is better than Han river when you feel down or stressed. Every single thing in this place is soothing to the mind and heart".

"Thank you". I said as i placed my head on his lap. His fingers was laced with mine. Sometimes, I wonder how my finger and his perfectly fit one another like a puzzle. It was like the two of us were created for one purpose.

To complete one another.

"I know you'r studies are important to you but I still want you to look after your health, both mental health and physical health. Imagine how would you feel if I stressed out with my responsibilities as an Exo leader and my career and i end up not doing so well in taking care of my health. Will you feel good?".

"Of course not. I promise I will take care of myself". I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Thank you. I do feel better coming here, you were right".

" Yeah, I am, huh?" I felt happy inside, and when i opened my closed eyes, Suho was staring down at me, his smile in place; all bright and shiny white. I can"t resist that smile, so I smiled back.

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