chapter:21 first Surgery

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~Suho POV~

I went back in to the practice room hoping that i don't have to see Tiffany again.

As i went in, all the members were looking at me.

"Hyung, what is going on between you and Tiffany noona? Why is she so clingy to you as if you guys are dating" sehun asked with worried eyes.

" No no no, i am not dating her or anything. I love Marian and i can't afford to loss her at any cost " i answered back

" If you don't want to loss her hyung then you better act quickly because i am sure Marian has definitely misunderstood what happened before" luhan hyung said with furrowed eyebrow. He looks scary when he is pissed

" And you better keep your distance from Tiffany. All her actions show that she surely likes you" Chen said

" Okay guys. I will meet Marian and talk to her later since she is at work now. Lets just continue the dance practice" i said with no the mood for anything at all.

~Marian pov~

Now i am at the hospital heading to meet Dr Mak.

"Hello doctor" i smiled at him as i sat in the chair.

"Hello Marian.Are you ready to became my assistant doctor" he smiled as he clapped his both hands together excitedly.

" Yes i am doctor" i smiled back looking as much excited as i was.
" Great! Now go to the changing room and change into the doctor outfit. The nurse there will help you" he said
"Sure" i replied as i got up and walked away.

After changing, i headed into operation theatre. The patient today was involved in a mild car crash as result he suffers from a brain condition called subdural Hematoma. This condition arises due head injuries which causes collection of blood outside the brain. The blood collects between layers of connective tissue that protect the brain. So to remove this blood, we need to perform Burr hole trephination procedure. A hole is drilled in the skull over the area of the subdural hematoma, and the blood is suctioned out through the hole.

This will take 5-6 hours maximum.
" Marian, dont be nervous you got this" dr mak said encouragely
" thank you doc"
"No problem. Now lets go and nail this surgery" he said

" everyone gather here" dr mak shouted
" Lets say  fighting together" he said
We all put our hands together and said "fighting" all together. We all laughed and headed  to the theatre room.

~ time skips~

" well done everyone" Dr Mak shouted happily to the nurses that were part of his surgery team.
I went towards the cleaning section and tossed my gloves into the bin.
I was washing my hands when i felt someone standing beside me. I glanced at the person. It was Dr mak beaming at me.
" Marian, you impressed me in there. Well done" he said smiling as he patted my back. I was happy that i finally put what i learned into a use and it was successful.

"Thank you was all because of your encouragement and support" i bowed at him

"It was nothing like that. It was all because of your skills doctor Marian"
I smiled bigger when he called me doctor. It is basically every doctor dream to get recognised as a talented doctor who uses their knowledge to help benefit humanity.

That surgery lasted for 6 hours. My legs feel numb but it is alright. I went to the changing room to change to my normal clothes. I went out and signed out using my ID card.

I walked to the parking lot and got inside my car. It is now 1:30 am and i am really sleepy. I drove to my apartment.

~Suho pov~

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