chapter 50: "Holy crap! "

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Suho POV

I wake up to see the most beautiful face before my eyes.

Simply gorgeous.

Her skin is glowing and her cheeks are still in a light shade of pink from last night. Considering we slept really late, she looks tired, but still as beautiful as ever.

Her straight brown coloured hair sprawled on the pillow behind her, and I notice how soft her skin is as I trailed my fingers on her arms gently.

Her pink plumped lips in a small pout, Oh so kissable. Her adorable nose also in a shade of pink, resemling the shade of her cheek.
Her long natural eyelashes resting just above her cheeks, she looks so gorgeous.

I gently take her hand in mine and kiss it softly so that I don't wake her up because I want to stare more at my angel. This girl makes me feel feelings I never knew I could feel. I am so in love with her and every time she is with me, I feel giddy inside, butterflies erupt my stomach every time when she smiles, showing her cute dimples.

She stirs a bit making me stop. I stay still in my position, watching her as she turns over, facing away from me.

I can see her bare back, I don't know why, but I gaze at it. Tiny beauty marks here and there, two moles on her left shoulder blade and one mole just above her breast. They are not on show now because of the silk sheet. The mole is there, I know it. From what I have seen last night, I know it.

A shiver runs through her body, making her snuggle deep into the duvet. I cover her up from the back, pulling her close to me. Wanting to hide her from the world, only for me to see, love and care for. She is mine. Only mine.

Marian POV

I open my eyes slowly, but close them again, not wanting to wake up. I stir a bit as I feel two strong arms holding my waist tightly.


I turn over, eager to see his face. I find him looking at right back at me and I smile. Fiddling with the duvet I cover myself a little more, feeling shy as his eyes takes in my uncovered skin

"Hi" I say softly, trying to hide my morning voice.

"Hey" he says and I flush. I don't know how he does it, but he makes me blush at the simplest things. His oh. So deep morning voice hits my eardrums, making me shiver.

"How are you?" He asks me. I know why he is asking this.

"I am perfectly fine. What about you?" I say shyly, trying my best not to blush. But I think he already noticed.

"I'm great"he says. His eyes roam around my face, from my eyes, to my nose, to my lips.

"What?" I ask. Oh my god, is there a drool on my face? A booger?something disgusting?

"Tell me" I say, covering my face with my hands.

Zayn shifts and in one swift movement, he is straddling me. I blush more, why is he doing this?

"You look beautiful, just like I imagined" he says as he takes my hands in his warm ones and kisses them. He is killing me with sweetness.

"Was last night okay for you?" He says, placing his hands on either side of my head, eyes softly staring at me.

I smile and cup his face in my hands, kissing his forehead.

"More than perfect" I whisper smiling. He grins and kisses me passionately.

"Now get your fat ass of me" I say changing the subject, making him laugh.

"My ass is offended" he says making me giggle.

"I love that sound" he says pecking my lips.

" And I love you" I say smiling softly.

I just stare at him, getting lost in those beautiful eyes which were unusually shinning today. The room service phone rings disturbing our moment. Suho lets out a groan...which sounded more sexy than annoyed. It reminds me of last night eventful event. I giggle lightly as I try to get up to go to the toilet. I really have to pee.

I sit up on the bed and I wince quite loudly, making Suho who was on the phone look at me worriedly. I just smiled and told him I am fine but to tell the truth, I am way far from being fine.

I feel a sting of pain near my lower region, am I sore?Hopefully not. I have heard from my friends it hurts like a bitch.

I see a dried blood on my bed sheet as I shift, taking the duvet with me. Is that mine? Holy crap!

I look at up Suho and I see him....

Hey guys, I'm really sorry this is quite short but I have been so busy with University that I can't even find time for myself. I promise when everything that is going on now will finish, I will update more. I hope you be patient with me :)

Thanks you.

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