29: Sorry part 1

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~3rd point of view~

At Marian's house terrace, there they were,both cuddled up together and their body perfectly moulded to one another. The sun slowly appears from being buried deep down by the cloudy sky. As it did so, it slowly makes Suho groan as the bright sun sunshine kiss his face.

He slowly opens his eyes, with an attempt of adjusting to the brightness of the morning sun so that he doesn't get blinded. Not literally.

Now his eyes are wide open. Marian stirs in her sleep and as she did so, Suho looks at her. Marian was cutely holding him tightly like a leech sticking to his skin.

He smiles as he sees Marian basically holding him tight by wrapping her hands around his waist. He studies her face. Her cute little pout which she always had when she is sleeping, her long eyelashes that any girl would be jealous of, her beautiful  tan skin which now were glowing and her plum pink full lips which is his favourite part of her body and the thing he always want to kiss.

After studying his girlfriends's mesmerising beauty, he looks at his phone looking for the time.

6;42 am; that is the Curren time. Suho begins to slowly get out of Marian'a grip, trying his best not to wake her up yet. After fully getting out of her hold, he gets the blanket and cover her body.

He heads to the bathroom and washes himself.

After washing up, he gets in to the kitchen and starts making breakfast for both of them.

The aroma of pancake fill up the kitchen.

At the terrace, Mariam stirs from her peaceful slumber and slowly opens her eyes. She looks around her sorrounding, trying to remember how she got here. Suddenly, her head starts hurting and she groans from pain.

As she sat down, memories of last night come rushing into her mind; the meet with Got7, how she and Jihye went  to a restaurant and came back drunk, how she took a taxi but the guy tried to touch her in an inappropriate places and how Suho rescued her but at the same time looked pissed. How they made up and then fought over how she thought the stars were bad and lastly how they cuddled and Suho told her that she was the star that shine for him.

At the thought of that, she smiles and hides her face in the palms of her hand, shyly.

She immediately gets up and enters  inside the house, looking for Suho.

As she looked up the kitchen, she saw Suho making pancakes. She went and immediately back hugs  him, still thinking that he was angry with her.

With a little aegyo, she said " "Good Morning oppa". Suho tried to not laugh as he knew Marian was doing this because she still thought he was angry at her. But the truth was he wasn't. He never was. He acted like that last night because he was worried and scared that something might have happened to her. And when he find out she was safe, he was delighted.

But he wasn't going to tell her that. He was actually enjoying this. It is not like it is everyday that Marian would act all cute and baby like. So he tried to act like he was angry so that he could see how far she would go to pacify him.

He made his expression look cold and turn around. When Marian saw Suho's look, she got sad.
" I am making a breakfast so go and wash up" Suho told her with no expression on his face.

As sad as she was, Marian listen to him because she didn't want to take the risk of making suho angry again so, she dejectedly went to her room and shower.

After the shower and putting a light pink t-shirt with a white shorts, she comes downstairs to have breakfast. When she arrives, she looks at Suho who is already eating his breakfast and was on his phone.

Marian slightly feels gloomy and sad. She sits down and takes her knife and fork and digs into her breakfast. Suho is aware about Marian's presence and he tries to not laugh at all.

The table was very silent and the only noice that were heard were the sound of spoon hitting the plate or the sound of crunching.
Marian couldn't take the silence, so she tried to break the ice by asking him questions.

"Oppa, how is practice for Exo comeback going?" Marian asked looking at him with her biggest smile which could clearly show her one-sided dimple on her cheek.

"Tiring but good" Suho coldly answers while looking at his phone, not looking at her at all.

Marian's heart ached somehow at seeing how he was ignoring her.
Tears nearly getting settled in her eyes but she blinks them away. She doesn't want to show to him that the way he is acting is actually effecting her because she believed that it was all her fault but she is going to make him forgive her in her own special way. She smiles at that thought.

"Thanks for the delicious breakfast oppa" she says cheerfully and places a kiss on his cheek. Cold Suho was nearly fluttered at that gesture but he kept his emotions intact and in control.

He was surprised that Marian didn't get his message that he was angry at her and she didn't make any attempt in trying to seduce him to forgive her in anyway.

He was feeling disheartened but he ver knew what Marian was planning.


"Hey Sehun, Baekhyun and chanyeol oppa" Marian in a cheery tone greeted them.

"Someone is hyper today" Baekhyun said while playfully messing Marian's hair.

"Yah Baekhyun oppa, why are you trying to spoil my mood?" She looked at him with that 'don't mess with me' look.
Everyone laughed when Baekhyun nearly felt intimidated at her look.

"I am just kidding Baekhyun oppa " Marian said while clutching her stomach because of laughing.

"enough of play now, let's get into why you called us here Nuna" Sehun said with a furrowed brows looking to his Nuna to explain why she called the three of them out.

Marian cleared her throat and told last night incident to the three of them " Nuna, who the hell was that dude? " Sehun said, his tone looking scary and angry. Marian was nearly choked while drinking her bubble tea.
"Chill Makne" Chanyeol pulled sehun's hand, pulling him to sit down.

"So you want us to help you plan something for Hyung so that he is no longer angry with you?"
chanyeol questioned . Marian nodded at that.

" That is easy, I got the perfect plan for you" Baekhyun exclaimed.

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