Scroll 25: Solomon's Adventure

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Azami's POV

'Huh? It's the same room again?' I thought to myself as I entered the tower Solomon raided. Solomon and the others were outside while he asked me to free whoever was inside this tower. 'I hope that person is nice.' I noticed Solomon and it looked like he wanted me to hurry up.

Solomon's POV

I asked Azami to free whoever was inside this tower and I hoped she'd hurry up. Turning to my right, I asked Wahid and Setta to go and reinforce the right wing while Falan and Arba were the one responsible for the central gate.

"Dammit! Those fucking 'Daeif' again! You, who go against the Will of God!" I heard one of our enemies shout. I scoffed while Wahid turned and shouted at him.

"You are the ones who go against God's Will!!"

"These fanatics are not cool at all." Setta said before freezing the area around him. "They're nothing more than earnest idiots who are easy to manipulate, aru." Falan commented. Arba, on the other hand, asked us to go and help Azami. We nodded. Ithnan used his magic to give way for us. We reached the top and saw Azami with her staff.

"Hmm? Oh, Solomon. I'm almost done here. Could you help this girl? It seemed like I used a lot of my magic this time." She said. I took note of her shaking hands and nodded. Soon, the girl was removed from her post. She had an unusual appearance. Pinkish red hair and beautiful red eyes. I entered the weakened barrier and reached for her.

"The ones you wish to meet will not come. Come with me if you want to live." I told her. Her eyes showed tiredness.

"Who are you?"

"Solomon." I pulled her out and held her in my arms. I could feel the magic around the tower disappear and I was glad. Ugo covered her with a spare cloth Azami brought. Speaking of her, she leaned on Ithnan while he assisted her. They were like siblings along with Setta and I could see that they really care for each other.

Eight hundred years passed since Ill Ilaah have "magic" to all humanity. The plan to create Alma Torran was put on hold. The magicians forgot about their noble cause. They tend to the tyrannies of other species with the support of overwhelming magic. The magicians build the "Gunud" in other species' territory. From there, they activated the magic and controlled the minds of other species.

"Well now, we are the ones who dislike the magicians' orthodox and escaped from the Great Church Government. We are the 'Resistance'." I voiced out. We went back to the base and celebrated for another successful battle. I could see her look at the place with empty eyes yet with slight curiosity. Arba tried to talk to her but it looked like the music and the people were too loud.

"Food! I want food! Bring me food!" A ringing voice shook us. I chuckled lightly before watching them.

"Your hunger is not cool. If you continue to do that, the beautiful balance of your muscles would not be maintained." Setta said. Wahid just told him that he got hungry after burning the fanatics. I could see Ithnan whining about Ugo while Falan talked about men. They were a lovely bunch. The problem was Azami was not here. Again.

3rd POV

The red haired girl observed the rowdy bunch until she heard a soft voice behind her. Her voice made the poor girl jumped on her feet. Arba noticed this and apologized quickly.

"Now, what was your name?"

"I am Sheba. Who are you?" She answered. Arba introduced herself as Solomon's servant. Solomon interrupted her by saying that she was no longer a servant nor was he a master anymore. Sheba stood up and demanded to be returned to the tower immediately. Arba reasoned out with her but Sheba was firm on her belief. The other commanders gave her sad, curious and amused(courtesy of Falan and Wahid).

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