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Priya's P

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Priya's P.O.V.

"I'm going to go and get some snacks for the bus ride. I'm already hungry," Siddu tells me as he scans for a nearby convenience store.

"You literally just ate breakfast an hour ago," I say. This guy can eat two tons of food and still be hungry.

"I'm a growing boy." Siddu pouts.

I roll my eyes at him. "Get me a packet of chips, will you?"

Siddu grins and then nods. "I'll be right back."

"Priya!" I hear Rahul's voice from behind me.

I turn around to see a girl in Rahul's hand following him behind. I know she is Aisha. I look at her in envy. She has a super model body that every girl wishes for. "Hey, you must be Aisha. I'm Priya." I extend my hand out to shake her hand as I smile at her.

She takes my hand and pulls me into a hug. I gasp at the force she uses. "It's so nice to meet you, Priya." Aisha squeezes me once more before she lets me go.

"It's nice to meet you as well." I give her a polite smile.

"Rahul talks about you all the time," Aisha gushes. "It's always Priya this, Priya that, Priya makes the best eggplant curry, Priya, Priya, Priya."

My gaze moves onto to Rahul as I cock my eyebrow up in question, asking if whatever Aisha said was true. I get my answer when the tips of Rahul's ear become pink and he looks away in embarrassment.

"Here you go, Bhabhi," Siddu says as he hands me a bag of lays potato chips.

I throw a grateful smile towards him. "Thank you."

"Aisha," Siddu acknowledges as he frowns.

"Siddu," Aisha mocks Siddu's tone as she rolls his eyes at him.

I can see that they don't get along.

"Why don't we get situated in the bus?" I ask, trying to diffuse the tension between those two.

As we all board into the bus, Siddu and I sit next to each other on one side while Rahul and Aisha sit next to each other across from the two of us.

"Can I ask you something?" I whisper to Siddu so Rahul and Aisha don't hear. I couldn't help but be curious as to why Siddu hates Aisha so much.

"Of course, Bhabhi. What is it that you want to know?"

"Why do you hate Aisha so much?" I ask. "She seems like a nice person."

"She seems nice at first, Bhabhi. But as time went by and Rahul and Aisha got into a more serious relationship, she became clingy. She wanted Rahul to spend all of his time with her. She wanted him to cut me out of his life. His best friend from childhood."

I take in everything that he says and try to process it. "Are you sure you're not exaggerating? I don't think she would try to kick someone very important out of Rahul's life." I couldn't help but come to her defense.

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