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Stockholm Syndrome

You're cold with disappointment
While I'm drowning in the next room.

Jasmine didn't dare open her eyes in fear of what she might see, the stench of gasoline lingered in the room and drenched ties around her mouth, wrists and ankles seemed to indicate that she had indeed been kidnapped. By whom, she was not sure but what she was sure of, was that she was frightened half to death.

It was November, Jasmine had just had an argument with her boyfriend of two years and decided she needed a walk to clear her head. She really thought it was the end for her and Cody but nevertheless, after every doomed disagreement, they always seemed to find their way back to each other. Jasmine always believed it was out of desperation, that they didn't really love each other like they used to, the thought of being alone was unthinkable for the two teenagers.

On her walk, she had only just reached the small park that rarely got any visitors in the winter, except Jasmine on nights like these, she admired the golden trees and the slight frost on the grass when she felt a blunt instrument collide with the back of her head sending her to the ground and slowly but surely out of consciousness.

Here she was now, being carried down a creaky hall by a mysterious figure who had her all tied up. She played being unconscious the whole way into the room where the figure took her, placing her down gently onto a chair and tying her frail body to the chair in case she tried to escape. She tried not to let a sob escape her as she carried on with the act, the realisation only was just hitting her that she had been kidnapped and was probably not going to see the light of day again.

She'd never get to see her Mom and Dad again, even her wretched little brother Max. Jasmine was a goner and right now she blamed only herself for being so careless as to walk around at night on her own so some psychopath could just take her. It had finally fallen silent, she couldn't hear any movement or any breathing so one by one she peeled open her eyes but instantly regretted it when she saw the figure right in front of her.

"Oh, hello." Jasmine widened her eyes as the man with the stubble just smirked seductively back.

STOCKHOLM SYNDROME ⇉ KAI PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now