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Chop Suey!

I don't think you trust
In my self-righteous suicide
I cry when angels deserve to die.

"Morning Jazzy" Jasmine squinted at the bright light streaming into the new motel room, her wrist jangling on the headboard as it being cuffed once again. "Kai? What happened?" She groaned, shaking her wrist in an attempt to break free again.

"We went to a mall where you brutally betrayed me and then we got jumped by these heretics and they kinda drank most of your blood." Kai shrugged as if it was nothing, she was confused to how she had betrayed the boy but then it all came flooding back to her. 

"Kai, you know that I didn't mean to betray you."

Kai erupted with laughter at Jasmine's reasoning as he couldn't see how she didn't mean to betray him. She had the intention of betraying him as soon as they set foot into that mall and he didn't care how many times she tried to deny it. However, what he didn't know was that Jasmine didn't run away because she wanted to go home.

She ran away because she was scared that she was growing an attachment to the psychopathic heretic. She knew that in her heart of hearts that it was wrong that she was forming an unintentional bond with the boy and she despised herself for it.

"Didn't mean to betray me? You just happened to accidentally jump me and run as far away as you could from me?" He sarcastically chuckled, swirling the handcuff keys around his fingers to taunt her.

"If you're so betrayed, why didn't you just let me bleed out on the sidewalk? Why didn't you punish me like you punished Bonnie?" She retorted rather boldly, so boldly that it took Malachai by surprise.

"You are just an insignificant chess piece in my huge plot to inflict emotional pain on the Salvatore brothers. I happened to like Bonnie so her betrayal hurt me more than you ever could, I've given her a lifetime of grief to put her through what she made me feel when she left me in that prison world!" Kai's voice got louder by the syllable so loud that Jasmine was cowering away from him.

"Do you think I asked to be here? Do you think I want to spend my last days alive with such a sad excuse for a supernatural being like you? You, Malachai Parker, are so caught up in trying to avenge those two vampires that couldn't give a damn about you, that you can't use this second chance of life that you have been gifted with and put it to good use!" Jasmine shrieked in frustration at the boy who was boiling with anger.

"This is my life, Jasmine, this was the price I have to pay for coming back to life. The only emotion I can feel is revenge and you and your pathetic human morals can never change that." Kai had stopped shouting, clenching his fists and glaring. He was calm and relaxed.

"I really started to trust you, Jazzy, I started to lose faith in trust and you know what, I was right. You can't trust anybody without getting betrayed, even by you."

"Trust is a funny thing, Kai, you have to earn it to get it." That was all Jasmine said before Kai stormed out the motel room in a hurry to be as far away as the brunette as he could.

Hours had passed before Kai returned, it was now mid-afternoon and amidst the boredom, Jasmine decided to just sleep while he was gone. Kai returned coated in a layer of sweat as if he had been in a furnace. His panting disturbed Jasmine and her beloved sleep, the girl in response to being rudely awoken unconsciously glared at the boy.

STOCKHOLM SYNDROME ⇉ KAI PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now