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The Drug In Me Is You

I've lost my goddamn mind
It happens all the time.

Jasmine woke up to find her hand handcuffed to the motel headboard and to see Kai asleep in the corner of the room. Confusion was evident on her face as she looked around the dimly lit room from the dawn sun and saw the broken chair and the blood on the floor from where her head was bleeding.

"Oh, you're awake." Kai opened his eyes as if he had never been asleep at all, he sat up slightly, rubbing a hand over his face and sighed before getting up. Jasmine rattled the handcuffs as if to ask Kai for an explanation silently. She still didn't feel like talking to him even though that yesterday she had broken a wall down and asked him a question.

"That looks kinkier than I intended, I didn't have a chair to tie you to so I was like 'Hey, I'm not a monster, I'll let her sleep in the bed.' And that's exactly what I did." Kai shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal and it was, she shouldn't be here in this motel bed, she should be at home with her adoptive family and her boyfriend Cody.

Her mind was still frazzled from last night, not quite understanding what he meant about witches, prison worlds and heretics. She just assumed that he was mentally insane and was past all hope, on the outside he seemed like a normal guy and maybe would be considered attractive but at his core, he was a sociopathic maniac and it frightened Jasmine a great deal.

She nodded at Kai, looking around the room for the first time in the three days that she had been here. There was a shitty television in the corner with a sofa that looked around forty years old in front of it, a small grimy kitchen in the other corner with a cheap, dusty dining table with only two chairs against the wall.

Kai used his magic to turn on the television where straight away a picture of Jasmine on the national news appeared, pleading for her to come home and be found. Kai grimaced at the fact that people were trying to find her and that meant that the Salvatore's must already know about that she's missing.

He couldn't have them ruining his plan, he didn't want them to find her yet. Kai wanted to drag it out as far as he could, he wanted to leave clues around the whole country for them to follow and just reach dead ends. Kai hadn't thought out what he was going to do with Jasmine, in the end, he was planning to kill the girl because she was nothing but a revenge motive.

He watched her sit on the bed, eyes glued to the telly as she watched her adoptive parents plead for her to come home in their official statement. They had pinned it on her boyfriend, Cody so far that Jasmine's heart ached at. Jasmine didn't feel anything for the boy, and she hadn't for a while but the fact he was in custody because of the psycho across the room infuriated her.

"I can't wait until you're rotting in jail." She muttered under her breath, not knowing that Kai would be able to hear her with his vampire hearing and he smirked at her words. He enjoyed her hatred, he fed off it. Jasmine couldn't wrap her head around Kai and his magical powers that he was using, she didn't believe in witches or ghosts or anything like that but there was one right in front of her who happened to be a sociopath.

"Well, that's depressing." Kai turned off the TV, her parents disappearing from the screen, Jasmine pulled her knees to her chest, placing her head on her knees and sighing rather loudly not knowing what quite to do with herself. She thought about screaming for help again but Kai had her scared senseless.

"So Jazzy, can I call you Jazzy? I think we're going to move on from this place today, I'm thinking Atlanta next?" He smiled at the girl on the bed, she furrowed her eyebrows at him. Were they leaving? Wasn't she going to be stuck in this god forsaken motel room anymore?

"Good luck with that, considering the whole of the god damn country is looking for me." She could never hold her tongue, especially with dicks like him. Jasmine had a short fuse, especially with Kai.

"I can't have the Salvatores finding you, can I? Come on Jazzy, use your brain." Kai sarcastically responded, he had mentioned the Salvatores to Jasmine only a few times and her curiosity grew even bigger than before. The thought of having family out there that she was blood-related to excited her.

"What are they l-like?" She stuttered, Jasmine had a slight stutter as a child and it sometimes came back when her anxiety was at a peak. Kai grinned at the girl as he thought about the Salvatore brothers.

"They're vermin and I want to end their pathetic existence." He cocked his head to the side as he waited for her reaction, her jaw dropped slightly as she stammered and stuttered for a response. Not only was he a kidnapper but he was also a murderer too.

"I can practically hear your racing thoughts, Jazzy." He breathlessly replied as he stared at her, making her feel immensely uncomfortable in her own skin. His stare was enough to make you squirm and feel out of place. She nodded at him, not wanting to hear another word from his mouth. He disgusted her, she hated everything about him and most of all, she wanted to go home, she wanted to be free of him.

She rattled the handcuffs on the headboard, in attempt to snap them or anything. She wasn't that strong though, no human being was strong enough to snap the handcuffs otherwise they wouldn't use them. She felt stupid for even trying as Malachai watched her curiously.

"I don't think you should do that, Jazzy. That makes me very sad and you know what happens when I get sad." He tutted, coming over and placing his hand on her wrist to stop her movement. She quivered in fear as he did not remove his hand nor did he stop staring down at her until she looked back up at him, his shadow blocking the sunlight around her.

"P-Please just let me go." Tears began welling up in her eyes, no matter how many times she pleaded and begged he didn't take anything into account. She just wanted to wake up and be in her bed in her bedroom at home but each time she wakes up in this never ending nightmare. He made an 'Awhh' sound but she knew it wasn't sincere, nothing that ever came out him mouth was sincere.

"You remind me of Bon, I've told you about her. She was determined to be free of me too, sucks that I practically killed her best friend though." He rambled nonchalantly, she shrugged his hand off of her wrist at which he held his hands in defence.

"Do you believe in the supernatural, Jazzy?" He smirked, plonking himself down on the bed at which she backed herself away to be further away from him. He chuckled at her reaction to him sitting down on her bed. He crossed his legs, placing his hands in front of him, cracking his neck as he looked back up at the frightened girl.

She shook her head to say no at which he began laughing at hysterically, and he didn't stop. He clutched his stomach, gasping for air as he shook his head at her pointing. She rolled her eyes at him, waiting for an explanation. Of course, apparently, witches were real as she had witnessed first hand from being thrown at a wall but anything else would be impossible.

"Do you believe in vampires?" He asked again and she shook her head, not liking where this was going at all. He didn't burst out laughing this time, he looked down at his jeans, chuckling under his breath, then lifting his head back up to reveal his vampire face. Jasmine trembled in fear, as she let out a dramatic gasp, placing her hands over her mouth and tears welling up in her eyes. It looked like something you would only ever see in a horror movie, something that would only appear in your nightmares but here it was in the flesh.

"Oh, Jazzy. Jazzy, Jazzy, Jazzy, there is so much for you to learn. We're going to have so much fun!" He exclaimed before looking at her intently, he raised his hand and her first thought that he was about to hit her but instead he chanted some words in a language she couldn't understand. She suddenly felt really tired despite being well rested and all of a sudden she had fallen into the deepest sleep that she had ever experienced before.

I already have a good feeling about this one and I'm so excited to post it all. Thank you so much for reading already!

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