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Never Enough

❝I keep falling in love, its never enough.❞

Kai angrily stormed into the bar where he had been residing for the majority of his time that he hasn't been able to spend near Jasmine. He would be lying if he said that he didn't miss the human that he had grown an attachment to. He was scared, Kai Parker was scared of the feeling love.

Jasmine Woods loves Kai Parker, a foreign sentence that didn't make sense in the head's of most except Kai Parker and Jasmine Woods. He sent her away to protect her from the infernum witch that wanted to drag her precious life down into the fiery pits of Hell.

"Bourbon, neat." Kai barked at the flirty bartender who just smiled flirtatiously right back at him. With a frown plastered on his face, he thought about all the happy memories that he had left of his girl, Jasmine. She was like a breath of fresh air to him and he wanted to inhale it all the time.

The bartender came back with the drink with a sickly sweet smile and handed it directly into Kai's hand. Her long blonde hair cascaded down her back and her piercing blue eyes kind of resembled Jasmine's new eyes that made his heart ache. He took a gulp from the drink before staring at her weirdly as she smiled.

Malachai's eyes widened as he spat out the drink that was burning his throat. Clasping at his throat he managed to glare at the girl. "Vervain." He wheezed. Two men appeared at either side of him that he recognised to be demons from Hell.

"No!" The bartender waved goodbye before she morphed back into Esmeralda. Her platinum blonde hair was now auburn and she no longer had piercing blue eyes and instead had emerald eyes. "Hey, Malachai." She smiled and that was all he remembered before having even more vervain injected into his system.

 ⊠ ⊠ ⊠ 

"So here's the thing, Malachai." Esmeralda sat in front of Kai when he finally awoke from being vervained. "You've somehow managed to hide Jasmine from me, I have looked everywhere for her." Kai clenched his fists despite them being tied up with a magical chain that could not be broken even with Kai's vampire strength.

"Every time you answer a question right, I won't stake you with this." She twirled a funny looking stake in her boney fingers. "It's laced with vervain so every splinter that gets stuck is going to hurt so much more." She grinned at the boy with evil evident in her eyes.

"If this some sort of sick ploy to find Jasmine, it's not going to work." He cocked his head to the side but his cockiness was immediately wiped from his face when she thrusted the stake into his stomach.

"How did she survive the toxica poison? I know she's still alive as I didn't claim her soul and neither did the angels." She pulled the vervain laced stake out of his stomach but he just spat at the witch.

"Wrong answer." This time she staked him in his thigh and giggled  at the bellow of agony that escaped his pink lips. Kai was never one to show pain or vulnerability but he had never felt pain like it. "How did Jasmine break the curse? It was impossible." She twirled the stake that was dripping with crimson blood straight onto the stone floor.

 "She said I love you!" He finally provided information to Esmeralda that she had been dying to know. She didn't stake him this time, instead she smiled satanically. "Jasmine Woods has fallen in with the sociopathic, lonely Malachai Parker." She was impressed yet annoyed that some idiotic teenaged girl was capable of breaking the spell that an almighty infernum witch had casted.

"I was in love once, naive Esmeralda had no idea what it felt like to be in love." She stared sadly at the blood dripping on the floor. "I was just a witch living in Boston and I met the raven haired vampire named Damon Salvatore. We met in a bar.."

"Esmeralda! Are you coming?" The auburn haired witch smiled at her blonde haired friend Eileen. Esmeralda nodded, pinning the last few curls back as she picked up her purse. "You have no patience, Eileen." Esmeralda joked causing her friend to giggle, Eileen took Esmeralda's hand and lead her away from their small apartment in Boston.

After a few minutes of arriving, Eileen had already left Esmeralda on her own at the stool to go talk to a soldier dressed in uniform despite no war actually occurring in 1934. "I've come to see a witch about a spell." A voice knocked the girl out of her trance, swiftly turning around to face the dark haired man with a million dollar smirk. 

"You're the first vampire that has ever attempted to approach me, Salvatore." Damon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, unaware of how it was possible that the witch knew he was a vampire and that his last name was Salvatore.

"Witches like to talk, Damon, and when they made me aware of you coming to find an infernum witch, it was only a matter of time." She smiled flirtatiously at the vampire, them already clicking instantly.

"What happened?"

"His brother, Stefan, found out why we're called infernum witches and immediately told on me to Damon. Ending both our relationship and my life." She spoke about Stefan venomously and Kai almost felt bad for her until he remembered what a raging bitch she was and that he was a sociopath.

"Curse you, Jasmine for rubbing off on me." He thought to himself but smiled nonetheless at the thought of the girl. 

"You were supposed to avenge them for me and you failed. We made a deal, Malachai and you know how it works." She twirled the stake in her hands once more, fascinated at Kai's blood that was dribbling down the sides of it. 

"I can't kill Jasmine, it's different now."

"You weren't supposed to fall in love with girl!" Her voice was louder now and Kai flinched but not at the volume of Esmeralda's voice but at the words fall in love. Sociopaths don't fall in love but when Kai merged with Luke he lost a lot of his sociopathic qualities and Jasmine had broken the curse so it was possible for Kai to love.

It was just a matter that Kai didn't want and didn't know how to love. He had never been loved in his life, not by his parents and especially not by another girl.

"I'm going to ask you one last time, Malachai. Where is Jasmine?" 

"I'd rather die than tell you."

"Have it your way then." She staked the vervain laced stake right into his heart, leaving him to desiccate in the cave all alone.


Anyway after that rant, hope you enjoyed this chapter as we got to learn a lot more about Esmeralda's back story, not long to go. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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