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Little Talks

❝Well tell her that I miss our little talks.

"Josie! Well Done!" A man approached the small girl, who had a humongous toothless smile on her face. Jasmine watched as who she assumed to be Josie's parents congratulate her on her first spell. In the distance, a young boy around the same age as Josie watched bitterly as she performed a perfect spell.

"Josette, go do your chores now." The woman spotted Josette's sibling watching from the distance rather than doing what he was told and staying in his room. Josette smiled at her mother before happily skipping back into the house with her dark brown hair cascading down her back.

"Haven't you learnt your lesson? Must we lock you up there, son?" Joshua Parker angrily pointed up at the window, where Jasmine assumed was the boy's bedroom. The father grabbed the back of the young boy's shirt and dragged him towards the porch. Jasmine clenched her fists and aggravatedly stormed over in the direction of the helpless boy and the abusive father but instead the vision faded away into another one.

⊠ ⊠ ⊠

"Please, Esmeralda! Don't do this." A man that resembled the younger boy from many past visions was on his knees in front of the auburn haired witch. Fire surrounded the pair, she furiously glared at the boy in front of her.

"You made a promise and you broke it. You have hidden the girl from me but I don't care if it takes me decades to find her again and I have to drag her to Hell when she's in her sixties because I never go back on my word." Kai hysterically looked to the left of the infernum witch and widened his eyes at the sight of Jasmine's coffin that Esmeralda revealed with her magic.

Kai attempted to crawl his way over to the coffin in attempt to save Jasmine's preserved body but Esmeralda immediately threw him back with a quick Motus spell. "I cannot let some measly human and some pathetic excuse for a heretic defeat me so I thought I'd kick you both where it hurts." Esmeralda smirked and with the wave of her hand, Jasmine's coffin went up in flames.

"No!" Kai yelled so loud that his voice went hoarse, staring at the ignited coffin through blurry eyes. Jasmine went to help the boy before everything fading once more.

⊠ ⊠ ⊠

Jasmine shot up off of the sofa covered in a cold sweat, she had fallen asleep waiting for Damon's friend on their sofa. Bonnie and Damon had secretly been observing the girl tossing and turning in her sleep as she cried out various words.

"Do you know what's wrong with her? Is this Esmeralda's doing?" Damon asked Bonnie inside the kitchen as Jasmine sluggishly walked in, a shine on her body from the layer of sweat. "Winona, this is Bonnie." Damon immediately changed the tone of his voice and introduced the pale girl to the Bennett witch.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Bonnie smiled but did not hold her hand out for Jasmine to shake. "Did you have any visions?" Damon asked carefully. Jasmine nodded and before telling Damon anything, the girl grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Normally I just see quick images, feelings or names but this time it was like a movie. It was so vivid that I was actually there." She took a large gulp from the water to soothe her sore throat. "I saw Parker again, he had this sister and she could do magic? Then his father was angry at him and dragged him by his t-shirt. I tried to help him but I-I couldn't." Damon was clutching so hard onto his glass of bourbon that it shattered in his hands.

"Then I had another vision of this livid woman with auburn hair and an older version of Parker. She had this coffin that Parker seemed to care about and she just set it alight with her bare hands, it wasn't human." Jasmine scrunched her face up as she talked about Esmeralda, Bonnie stared at Damon knowingly and he nodded back at her.

"We need to go get that coffin, now." Damon was panicked and Bonnie was anxious for the battle that was most likely about to occur in the next few days. Damon shrugged on his leather jacket with Bonnie following suit.

"Stay here. I mean it!" Damon pointed his finger at Jasmine with a serious look in his eyes but she took no notice of it. As soon as they left through the front door, she was shrugging her own jacket on top of her tank top and following them outside into the April sun. They disappeared into the woods that seemed familiar to Jasmine despite never seeing them from this angle before.

She followed them to Mystic Falls Cemetery, a sense of familiarity of the situation burning like fire in her mind. She observed as they entered the Salvatore Crypt, something that sparked recognition as she had seen it multiple times in her visions. Hiding behind a tombstone, she didn't dare breathe or get any closer to hear what they were saying inside of their crypt.

Her delicate fingers were clasping onto the edges of the icy cold tombstone and all that could be seen were her pale fingers and piercing blue eyes over the top of the grave. She desperately wanted to know who was inside the coffin and why Parker cared so much about them. She had grown an emotional attachment to the Parker boy and needed to know so much more about him but Damon seemed to grow distant everytime he was mentioned.

Three figured exited the crypt and she recognised the third one immediately. A small gasp escaped her lips as she saw Parker for the first time with the exception of her visions and dreams. Three heads immediately turned to stare at the tombstone she was hiding behind.

Jasmine ducked so quickly that she hoped that they didn't see her, unknowingly that two of them were vampires and could hear her pounding heart. Kai recognised that rhythm of a heartbeat that played like a ballad in his head and turned to glare at Damon.

"What is she doing here?" He spat venomously towards the older vampire before vanishing using his vampire speed, too scared to face Jasmine again.

Sorry this is so short but I think I'll either update again tonight or tomorrow so don't worry. Thank you all so much for reading as your support on both this book and on Pure really inspires me to continue writing as I've never really thought I was much of a talented writer but your comments really do make a difference.

Hope you enjoy, don't forget to vote and comment!

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