Chapter 6: Why can't happy things stay happy?

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Creds to the artist! ^^

Marinette's POV

*ding dong*

The doorbell rang for the sixth time.

"Marinette! Please open the door!" Adrien cried frustrated. I wanted to give in. I wanted to see him, to hold his hand telling him that he's the one I want. But I can't. I have to do this. For him... for us.

All I want to do right now is cry and let it all out because it's so painful.

Suddenly, I had the urge to open the door.

"Marinette!" Adrien said with relief.

His eyes were puffy and red.  I knew he was crying.

"I-I'm so sorry Adrien..." I said. I couldn't hold it much longer, I started to break down.

"I never meant to fall in love with you. I never meant to cause you pain. I didn't want for it to mean this much..." I said while tears rolled from my face.

"You didn't do anything wrong, please Marinette. Don't blame yourself." He said. I wanted him but I knew I couldn't have him.

"You have to be with Chloe..., not me." I sighed. "We can't be together. This is goodbye Adrien" I knew it by his face that he was hurt. And I was the one who hurt him.

No one's POV:

"If it's because of Chloe, then everything will be fine. You don't have to worry about her." He told her, smiling. Marinette shook her head and rolled her eyes. How can he be so selfless? He could ruin his career by doing this!

"This isn't just about Chloe, Adrien! I'm serious! I don't want to be the reason why your career gets ruined! You may be okay with it but I'm not!" She shouted, more tears forming in her eyes. A tear had fallen from Adrien's too, hearing every word she had said.

"I don't care if my career gets ruined! I love you and that's all that matters!" He yelled back, embracing her tightly. Marinette shook it off and pushed him away slightly, crossing her arms.

"I'm doing this for you. I want you to be happy." She mumbled, standing up from her seat and walking away. Adrien had tried to grab Marinette's hand, but she instead pushed him out of the doorway.

Marinette had run into an alley, quietly sobbing to herself. She pulled her legs closer to her chest and buried her face.

"I'm a horrible person... But if I love him, I'll let him go." She whispered, opening her bag for Tikki to hear. Tikki sighed, knowing that she wouldn't be seeing Plagg for a long time. Why couldn't things just be perfect?

"Marinette, if you love someone, fight for them!" She encouraged her but got a no in response. If anything bad ever happens to Adrien, she'll never forgive herself. It's too much for her to handle.

Meanwhile, Adrien had run home, locking himself in his room. He had just lost the love of his life. Because of Chloe.

"If you think of it, Marinette has a heart of gold," Plagg told him, attempting to cheer the boy up. Adrien just shook his head, falling flat on his stomach on his bed.

'Plagg's right... Marinette did that for me. She-She pushed away her feelings for my sake.'

"Adrien, someone's at the door for you," Nathalie said, leaving the room once she saw the state of the boy. Adrien groaned and trudged his way to the door.

"You made the right choice." She smirked, kissing him on the cheek. Adrien pulled away in disgust, rolling his eyes at her.

"I don't care if you die, Chloe." He murmured, purposely saying it out loud for her to hear. Chloe started to tear up, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him close to her.

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