Chapter 85: The one person I can turn to

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"Dammit I'm late," he muttered rushing towards the restaurant standing in front of him. It was already past 6 pm, actually past 6:30 as well which was quite late for him. He spent about 30 minutes in his car repeating the events that just happened within that small cafeteria.

His fingers travelled up to his lips, exploring the many exploding tastes that lingered on them. The feeling of her lips on his sent fireworks through his mind. The way she slowly tangled her finger in his hair just made it much more appealing. Not to mention who he'd done it with.

"Sir? You're blocking the way for our drivers who are trying to pass by. If you're not-" Luka watched as the waiter who spoke to him kindly and politely got pushed away by some biker dressed in class of leather. He placed one of his hands onto the side of his car glaring intently at the man. "Listen here,"

As he parted his lips to speak the biker grabbed onto the collar of his new polo, unbuttoning the first button on it. He could feel the biker's breath on his face as his grip grew tighter and tighter. "If you don't want to move out of the way then I'm afraid we're going to have a problem! Scram brat!" With that, the older man left the traumatized little boy (well, actually he's a man but in this situation he may as well be a little boy) sitting in his seat.

He groaned in frustration letting his head drop to the steering wheel where the horn was. He almost jumped out of his skin as the horn sounded outside his car also startling everyone around him. Silently he prayed the biker wouldn't come back because he had a "problem".

"You really need to take driving courses again," a voice spoke neat him. He gasped as his head turned to the passenger seat where the bluenette sat, legs crossed in a beautiful blue satin tea dress. Her hair was somewhat curled and she but a bit of make up on her face to compliment the dress.

"G-Gah!" Luka scrambled to sit up straight as he came face to face with Kagami who right now laughed her head off at his stupidity. His face flushed a bright red and he averted eye gazes with her. "Wow, what a gentleman. No "Hi, Kagami" or "Hi, sweetheart"? I seriously thought you were better at this," He could almost see that faint smirk dancing on her lips as she spoke with such innocence.

He plastered a sly smile on his own face placing an arm over the passenger car seat to trap Kagami. Her breath hitched at their closeness. She tried her best to get as far away as she could, but that only resulted in backing into the window which was painful. Luka leaned in closer into her left ear, "Hello there, babe did you miss me?"

Now it was her turn to blush. Nothing but a tiny squeak escaped her lips as she tried to register what was going on right now. Luka teasingly wiggled his eyebrows at her to which she smacked him away, causing her to be a little upset. "Why are you so late anyways? Have you been practicing that line in front of a mirror for hours and lost track?"

Just as he thought she ran out of sassy comebacks, she comes out with that! Luka blinked blankly at the woman standing across from him, smirking victoriously. "Oh, I get it... You went to visit Marinette, didn't you?"

All that went through his mind were a bunch of curse words. Had she figured him out based on his scent? Or maybe it was the smearing of her lipstick on his cheek? He should've checked his appearance beforehand! Kagami watched him squirm his seat then awkwardly laugh, scratching the back of his nape.

"Why so uneasy? It's obvious you had to ask her for advice on what to say to a girl. Although I think that's long overdue since we're both adults in our 20's," she began to ramble on and on not bothering to look at the man who was washed over with relief. If that's all she thinks then his secret's safe.



Why did he feel so frightened all of a sudden?

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