Chapter 32: Jealousy

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What time is it? Time for the place they call "school". Adrianna was dreading to go since she was tried from patrol. But who was she or miss a day of seeing Marion Lahiffe?

"H-Hi, Marion!" She waved at the teenage boy walking alongside his best friend Alec. Marion shyly waved back, trying to hide the blush that crept on his cheeks.

This time, Adrianna wasn't blushing. Maybe she had gotten over Marion after seeing her partner Chat Noir. He was really goofy and flirtatious.

Alec nudged his best friend as he saw him staring at Adrianna, lost in thought. "Dude, you're staring..." He whispered. Marion snapped out of it, smiling sheepishly.

"U-Uh... Go school to? N-No... I meant school t-to go? No! I mean..." He stammered, face palming himself. Adrianna giggled.

'So cute...' He sighed dreamily.

"I-Is it okay if we w-walk to-together?" The blonde girl asked politely, carrying her designer book in one hand with her phone freely dangling from her side.

Marion just nodded as Adrianna stood beside him, happily drawing. He couldn't help but glance at the drawings a few time. He knew who her mother was. She was a famous fashion designer before she disappeared.

"You really take after your mother." He mumbled. Adrianna stopped drawing to look at him. Did he just say that out loud?

'Did he-- Did he just compliment me?'

"I-I mean..."

"D-Don't sweat it. Th-Thanks anyways." She told him quickly, seeing how flustered the boy was.

Now her cheeks were starting to burn up. Okay, so maybe a part of her still liked Marion, but... Chat had somehow replaced him.

"AD!! AD!" Analya yelled from afar, running after the trio who were walking to school.

"Hey, Nals! What's up?" Analya held a finger up to her face, still trying to catch her breath.

"Heroes... Yesterday... OTP!" She squealed, jumping up and down. The other three went into a fit of laughters. Adrianna did know that she was referring to her.

She thought it was cute her best friend shipped her with her partner. The one who knocked her off her feet. Once Analya caught her breath, she shook her best friend violently.

Adrianna was just staring into space, placing a hand on her chest where her heart was. Marion decided to take pictures of her discreetly.

He wasn't a stalker... Okay, so maybe he had a ton of photos of Adrianna plastered on his wall. Nino didn't find it creepy at all. He was happy his son liked his best friend's daughter.

"Earth to Adrianna!" Analya shouted in her ear, getting the blonde's attention. She shot daggers at her best friend, ignoring her to draw in her sketchbook once again.

"Honestly, mom's the best! Like, apparently there was a previous ladybug and chat noir and-- Anyways, mom gave me her ladyblog!" She rambled on, showing her best friend who was clearly not listening the website.

The teenager hummed in response, eyes glued on her new design. She didn't even notice cars speeding pass her.

"ADRIANNA WATCH OUT!" She felt someone tackle her on the ground, as she stepped foot onto the road. Adrianna screamed, noticing a familiar body pressed on her own.

"Are you okay?" Marion asked, brushing the bangs away from her face. Adrianna nodded slowly, still terrified.

"Girl you have got to stop sketching! You'll get hurt!" Analya warned her, helping the poor girl off the ground.

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