Chapter 99: My dear sister

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It was the following day after she saw Manon and Nadja for the last time as her alter ego, Ladybug. The festivities continued as they should just with the absence of the two superheroes. But she knew Manon wouldn't let her down. Rather than celebrating it for the two of them, they've completely changed the purpose of Heroes Day. The way it was back when they first celebrated it back in her Collége days.

Her daughters were disappointed by this of course, expecting the superheroes to show up at the very last second by staying up extra late to see the conclusion of the festival. She insisted on them sleeping but they were stubborn, a trait they most likely earned from her. Marinette couldn't deny she was stubborn herself. When she puts her mind to something she'll make sure she sees it through the end.

She couldn't explain the feeling of sadness seeing her children eagerly wait for their appearance when she knew deep down that they wouldn't show up. Not today. Not ever. She wondered how to tell her children without breaking their hearts but.. she wasn't able to convey her feelings properly.

Instead she watched from the sofa while Kendra and Adrianna jumped up and down in front of the tv singing along to one of Jagged Stone's old hits. Even nowadays, the man was always at the top of the charts. She was partially to blame for that since she blasted his music wherever she went.

Now here she stood in the kitchen preparing a lovely breakfast for her family. Hugo kept her up all night with his wailing and it didn't help that she had back pain. She seriously questioned her capabilities. If she couldn't handle 3 kids by herself, imagine a 4th.

She sighed, letting the butter simmer on the frying pan, maneuvering her hand so that the butter spread everywhere. The least she could to cheer her kids up is make the, an extra scrumptious breakfast. She hummed while frying up some pancakes on a separate pan, waiting patiently until they were fluffy enough to her satisfaction.

Then she placed them on a ladybug-themed plate much to her dismay, knowing how much her daughters admired Ladybug merchandise. She was starting to accept that here was no easy way out of this situation. A part of her will always remain as Ladybug. Even in her children's' hearts.

The radio played in the background softly, one of Jagged Stone's most recent albums because it had been a while since she's listened to any of his new music. Being a mother of 3 and a businesswoman gave her no time to sit down and relax while listening to music, so whenever she found the time where the kids were at peace she would snag the opportunity.

Her thoughts were interrupted by loud wailing coming from Hugo's room. Well... she enjoyed the peace while it lasted but it was time to come back to reality. She smiled, turning down the stove before heading to the nursery room. She thought that after a whole bottle of milk he'd settle down and sleep for a couple more hours, but that wasn't the case.

When she opened the door to the nursery she found Hugo near the dresser, a hand holding his head with his entire face red from crying so loudly. Marinette frowned. These days Hugo escaped his cage more frequently and he was starting to become a handful too. "What happened to you, my love?" His head slowly turned, inclined by his mother's sweet voice as he reached out for her.

Marinette simply chuckled, picking him up from the floor and rocking him gently back and forth. She noticed the small bump on his head probably from bumping into the dresser for the 4th time this week. One of these days she'll have to baby proof the place. Not that it wasn't already baby proofed, but Hugo was certainly more of an adventurer than his older sister.

She rubbed his head in a soothing manner, patting his back while walking back to the kitchen. By now she knew how to multitask. It only took a few minutes to calm him down anyways, then she'll place him on the carpet in the living room with a few toys he can play with to keep him distracted.

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