Chapter 98: Farewell, heroes of Paris.

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She stood in front of the door with no intention to move or knock. She just stared at the door, unable to make the first move of making her presence aware. It's strange how she was only here a few days ago just to return her miraculous to her grandfather.

Yes, she was at the door's of her grandfather's place. It'd gotten a little upgrade since the last time she went there but that's probably because there was no use hiding the miraculous anymore. Not when there weren't any heroes protecting the city.

Marinette let out an exasperated sigh, slowly lifting up a hand and curling it into a fist, shakily moving closer to the door.

However before she could knock, footsteps began to ascend closer to her. There was no one else around so her hearing was heightened, as well as her other senses. She froze on the spot when she finally locked eyes with the person making their way towards the guardian's house.

It was none other than Adrien Agreste. Her ex-husband. In her mind, anyways. On paper they were still legally married. But that will change eventually as soon as she receives the divorce settlement and he signs it. For a while the two of them just stared at each other. She couldn't form any words with her throat suddenly parched, and Adrien didn't look like he had anything to say.

She parted her lips to speak only for Adrien to cut in front of her, knocking on the door. Marinette took a step back to give him space, but she squirmed in her spot unsure if she could handle the awkwardness of the situation. It had been a while since they last each other and to say that the meeting was pleasant is the complete opposite.

"I see you've given your miraculous back," she turned her head to Adrien who looked down at her with a soft expression, trying to make some kind of conversation with her while they waited for the door.

The bluenette simply nodded, wrapping the cardigan she wore tighter around her body as she crossed her arms. He was still unaware of her pregnancy and she planned to keep it that way. No matter what the consequences may be. Even if her baby never gets to meet his/hers real father. "Yeah, I did. I think it was about time. With the kids and all.. I'd rather focus on them right now than saving the world." She continued to stare at the floor, fidgeting with her thumbs nervously.

Adrien could see this as he glanced down at the woman beside him. For a second, he just studied her face. Her accentuated features, mostly the large dark circles around her eyes from the lack of sleep. He wondered how she managed to cope dealing with three kids.

If he were allowed to see them he could've lightened the load for her. But she chose to be stubborn. Now wasn't the time to be bitter though. They both came here for similar reasons. To take their miraculouses one more time and finalize their departure.

"I can always help out by taking them for a few hours." He suggested, catching her attention in the nick of time. Her facial expression was unreadable but anyone could tell by her sudden defensive stance that she wasn't too happy by it. "No. I'm not going to let my children see their father be with another woman. I'm not letting them grow up in a broken family." She said through gritted teeth.

That only angered Adrien. "What are you trying to say? Do you think I chose for this family to be broken? I'm pretty sure if you gave me time to explain myself you'd see I don't have any fault whatsoever."

She clicked her tongue in annoyance at that and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Oh, so we're back to this subject.." she grumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose. "God, can't we have a normal conversation without bringing up the topic of you cheating? I don't need to be reminded of your unfaithfulness every damn time we encounter each other."

"What do you mean by cheating! I've only ever had eyes for you, Marinette. You know that. It was never Kagami or Alya. It's always been you in my mind and heart. If anyone's cheating it's you. Don't think I don't know about your affair with Luka. Acting all lovey dovey... how can you act like that in front of our kids? Have you no shame? Did you really lose all respect for yourself?"

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