Chapter 88: Like fireworks

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Her eyes were filled with fear, afraid that if she were to blink she'd find herself on the ground and the world disappearing from her sight. "K-Kagami, pl-please..." she begged, tears welling up in her eyes.

The said woman only shook her head, leaning closer to her face with a proud grin.

"See you in hell."

With those final words, everything Marinette held on slipped away from her grip.

The world began to spin until the darkness took her to hostage.

She tumbled down the stairs showing no signs of stopping, head throbbing and bone breaking as she rolled faster and faster.

One last thud and she was surrounded by a pool of blood, a small gash on the side of her head.

Luka's eyes widened.

Adrien's eyes widened.

It was a mistake.

Kendra had decided to stay back in her room, seeings as her mother was being vulnerable in front of her so-called father that cheated on them and continuously returned. She was angry. Angry at herself for her lack of confidence. Angry at her mother and her incompetent and promiscuous attitude.

She submerged her head with water, staring at the mirror copy of herself in the mirror, water slowly dripping down from her head to her clothes—practically soaking her. "Damn you."

The water was basically a wake up call for her, to be tougher on her mother and make sure she never gets hurt again. She's fortunate enough to find a family that would take her in. Even if she was against it in the beginning.

Somehow she grew to love this family as her own.

And she vowed to never let it go.

"NO!" She snapped her head towards the bathroom door hearing muffled screams and cries coming from outside. Without hesitation, Kendra rushed towards the scene only to be met with something frightening.

Her lip quivered and she found her knees going weak, until she was slumped onto the floor, crying her eyes out. "M-Mom..." She found calling Marinette mom somewhat comforting.

It was almost as if she wrapped an arm around her spiritually, telling her everything will be okay. Kendra couldn't take it anymore. She let out a bloodcurdling scream ringing throughout the condo, startling everyone who was conscious.



She was bleeding to death and here she were, being the weakling that she truly is. The raven didn't mind the tears streaming down her face, showing her true emotions towards her family. "M-Mom..."

Suddenly a hand's gingerly placed onto her shoulder, turning around only to be faced with Luka's sad but hopeful expression. He nodded to something near the stairs that would reassure her everything would be fine.

There Marinette lied, unconscious in Adrien's arms as he clutched onto her tightly at the edge of the stairs.

The tears just wouldn't stop as she scrambled to her feet, running to where Marinette was asleep, or at least she hopes she's just asleep.

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