Chapter 11: Don't wait for me

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Creds to the artist! ^^





It all described what Nathanael was feeling. He was crying in his pillow all night. Why did things have to end this way? Why did Adrien have to get everything he wanted? He took everything away from him. He took Marinette.

He sat up, wiping the tears that had fallen, taking out a box of pictures of him and Marinette. They used to be so happy together. What happened? Ah, Juliet came into the picture.

It wasn't long ago. About 9 months since him and Juliet had met. He thought she was the prettiest girl ever. Her long ginger hair ended at her bottom, slightly curled. The brown Hazel eyes that mesmerized him. She was the definition of perfect.

"Excuse me? Is this seat taken?" The ginger asked the redhead, plopping her bottom onto the seat next to him.

She slowly drank her coffee while gazing down onto her phone. Nathanael couldn't help but look at the girl. She was absolutely gorgeous. Not as gorgeous as Marinette, but gorgeous.

"Are you staring at me?" She laughed, setting her phone down on the circular table. Nathanael nervously laughed along, nodding slowly in response.

Things started to get heated after that. The next thing he knew, they were making out in a coffee shop. Luckily for him, none of Marinette's friends or family were around.

They became a couple, forgetting about Marinette. Until he realized what monster he had become.

He cheated on Marinette.

The girl he wanted to be his so badly.

They argued for days. Especially him. He slapped her. Pushed her on the ground. But she still stayed. That's how much she loved him. Or at least that's what he thinks.

'I never deserved Marinette...' He sighed, taking out a photo of Marinette kissing him on New Year's Eve. It was one of the best photos yet.

Tears were now overflowing.

He felt worthless.

Like he deserved what had happened.

Although he loved Marinette, Juliet was always there for him. He quickly dialed her number and waited for her to pick it up.

"Nath? Is that you?" Juliet's soft tone cheered him up a little.

"Y-Yeah..." He heard a groan on the other side. She must have caught on to what he said.

"Did you get back with that dimwit Marinette? Didn't I tell you she would just hurt you? Nath, am I not good enough for you?!!!" She asked, anger in her voice. Juliet had enough of Nathanael constantly telling her that Marinette's doing this, Marinette's doing that. She missed when it was only her.

"J-Juli, please don't start..." He sniffled, blowing his nose in a tissue. Juliet rolled her eyes before yelling,

"Look Nath. I'm done with you. You only talk about her! I thought I was the only girl in your life! Don't ever contact me again, Nathanael. We're over." Then she quickly hung up, leaving Nathanael to cry once again. Not only was he crying about Marinette, but about Juliet too.

He lost the two most important people in his life.

Adrien woke up to some shuffling coming from the other side of the bed. He quickly shot up and saw Marinette combing her hair that she let loose.

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