Chapter 83: The one word I hoped you'd never say

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"Luka, please stop..."



Marinette wrapped her arms around Luka's torso, pressing her chest against his back. A gasp escaped his lips as he turned his head to the right to find Marinette's eyes overflowing with tears. He stopped resisting. "I'm not going to let him get away with all this pain he's caused you!"

She shook her head, "Please don't interfere... We're done, alright? I'll break it off. Just... just give me time..." Luka sighed, placing a hand over the one that was wrapped around his top. He gave her a small smile, ruffling her hair a little. "Alright, fine... But if he dares to show his face here I won't hesitate to kill him."

Despite everything that's happened Luka's managed to make the bluenette laugh. Even just a small chuckle. A smile grew on his face noticing her crack a short laugh. "There's that smile I know and love." Once again his comment sent her bursting with tears but a smile had emerged from her face at the same time. "You have such terrible timing," she pouted.

Luka moved his body away from Marinette's arms making her pull back in shock. "I hope you can forgive me but... I've invited someone else." At the door stood Kagami with a large, brown paper bag. She had a sympathetic smile on as she locked gazes with Marinette who was perplexed at first but regained composure soon after.

"Marinette... I heard what happened with you and Adrien..." Just hearing his name was a stab to her heart as she broke down into tears in Kagami's arms, dropping the paper bag she previously held. Luckily Luka was there to catch it just in time—glancing at its contents inside.

He cocked an eyebrow scanning its contents inside once more. There he saw several make up palettes, lipsticks, brow pencils, fake eyelashes... Just as he was about to dig in further, Kagami snatched the bag from him giving him the most devious look.

The man scratched the back of his neck nervously as he advanced closer to Marinette who continued to cry on Kagami's shoulder. He rubbed her back reassuringly making hushed noises while the other hugged her tightly giving her a shoulder to cry on. "It hurts so much..." She mumbled, clutching tighter onto Kagami's deep v-neck dress.

Due to that however... His eyes darted to that sight, face turning red. She immediately whacked him in the head, scowling at his dirty actions. That was something he wouldn't be able to un-see. Now his mind was filled with thoughts... not very good thoughts at all. He brought his hand to his face smacking him. "Dammit..."

There they were in the middle of the small cafe that Marinette and Luka have made into their special hang out place whenever they wanted to talk. Occasionally she asks Luka for coffee just to clear her mind but their visits have become more frequent lately due to Adrien's lack of presence.

Luka knew there was nothing special going on between them other than a friendship he hoped he'd never lose. By observing Marinette's actions, he's realized that she's been yearning for someone like Adrien. To hold her close and tell her everything's going to be okay.

For sometime he stared at the exit door, tapping his foot impatiently whether or not to do that. Kagami noticed his sudden silence and used her sign language expertise to ask him if there's anything wrong. He shook his head, taking a step forward.

Sorry, Marinette but I can't take this anymore... He quickly said goodbye to Kagami, not bothering to say anything to Marinette who seemed to deep in thought to care.

Rage, anger, and inferiority rushed through his veins. His eyes blazed with a certain fire that wouldn't be able to be burned out until something's done. He clenched his fist, gripping tightly onto the steering wheel. "Your days are numbered, Adrien Agreste."

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