Chapter 12: We don't talk anymore

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Listen to the song while reading! :)

The first day of being in New York. She admits, it was tiring. Very tiring. Apparently Alya flew here for her job too! Meaning the two will be roommates!

Well... Not really.

Did she forget to mention a small detail?

Yes, she did.

"Momma, who this?" A little girl with chestnut hair and brown eyes asked, pushing up her glasses.

"Alayna, that's your Auntie Marinette!" Alya said cheerfully, picking the four-year-old girl up.

Alya had a daughter, a husband, a family.

Something Marinette always wanted.

"Hello, Alayna! You are so cute!" Marinette squealed, bopping the little girl's nose. Alya had grown much taller. She looked matured. She didn't know why, but she was actually taller than Alya. Must have been because she was and still is the ladybug.

"Okay, so you'll be staying here. Aly will be staying in here, and I'll be staying over there." Alya pointed to the rooms where the three girls parted their ways.

She started to unpack, making sure everything looked like her old room. Although it did, it wasn't enough. The smells of pastries didn't lurch her smell.

It smelled of fresh paint and some lemon pledge Alya must have used to clean the floors.

Nothing like Paris.

Sighing, she took out her phone and checked for any messages from Adrien. She still had a little hope that Adrien would wait for her even if she said not to.

It was complicated.

'No new messages...' She quickly tapped the messaging app and started to type, saying, "Hi Minou. I miss you so much!". But it wouldn't work.

She pressed the delete button and groaned, watching as three dots with a bubble around it forming.

Adrien was texting her.

She quickly shot up and sat on her bed, waiting for the reply.

Adrien, on the other hand, was having a bit of trouble. Just like Marinette, he wanted to text her. But wouldn't it be awkward? He saw the three dots.

He waited, and waited, and waited, but no reply. He quickly typed up a text saying, "M'lady, I miss you so so much! Paris is nothing without you!' But it wouldn't be irrelevant.

Marinette gazed at the three dots that were once there but weren't anymore. Was he just messing with her?

She quickly exited the app and tapped the music one instead, playing a song on the radio she hasn't heard before.

"Welcome to pop 101 folks! This is George and Mandy with a new hit song! A Charlie Puth fan AND a Selena Gomez fan? Well, this is the song for you! Selena Gomez and Charlie Puth everybody!"

Marinette started to relax. She lied on her side, waiting for the song to come on the radio. She was so desperate to hear something. Music.

"We don't talk anymore. We don't talk anymore. We don't talk anymore like we used to do." The first lyric struck her. How convenient. Just when she was having troubles talking with Adrien, this song comes on!

Meanwhile, Adrien was dying to hear another song by Pop 101. It was one of his favourite radio stations after all. Although pop music wasn't very popular where he lived, he managed to get a copy of it.

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