Chapter 81: Win you back

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After the whole fiasco with Adrien, Marinette decided it would be best for her to go back home for the time being. She'd been wanting to visit her old folks anyways and it was the perfect opportunity to tell her about her well, situation...

Tom and Sabine were understanding and let the poor woman in, giving her a warm blanket and a cup of chai tea to cool her down. The universe wasn't in her favour. The rain poured down harshly as she navigated herself through the streets of Paris. The raindrops only made it tougher for her to see where she was going so it took her half an hour longer to find the bakery to than usual.

As soon as she stepped into the bakery where her parents were busy behind the counter working, she nearly collapsed from the sudden fever she'd gotten from staying in the rain. Luckily Sabine spotted Marinette and quickly placed her down in the chaise in her former room.

She smiled, the familiar scent of her strawberry lipgloss lingered her nose. Her state wasn't very well at the moment, but knowing she was safe from harm reassured her enough. "Marinette?" Sabine placed a wet cloth on her daughter's head, as when she picked her up she was burning hot. "Marinette?" She called out again.

The bluenette didn't answer. She stared at the wall for the longest time, pondering over her thoughts, unaware of the tears that slowly slipped down her cheeks. Tom noticed how silent Marinette was and observed her. He knew something had happened for her to be so tranquil and upset. The man stood idle at the ladder, his head swirling with thoughts of worry for his daughter.

With one final glance, he quickly got off the step ladder and slipped on a coat. "Tom? Where are you doing?" The sound of Sabine's voice rang as she stood behind him, her head tilted. "Just... stay here with Marinette." That was all he said before he fled the streets of Paris, only one destination in sight.

Adrien lied sprawled across his bed, tears flowing freely from his eyes as he pressed a photo of Marinette to his chest. He tried to hold in the sobs, trying different methods such as drinking and finishing unfinished work. But nothing had an affect. All night he laid on his bed, crying. He didn't care if it was humiliating or not.

The events of last night replayed in his head. Adrien sat on the couch preoccupied with this book he was getting into, as Marinette stared at him from afar. Her intense gaze had made him feel so uneasy, he'd had to shift in his seat several times. Then all too sudden for his brain to register, she slammed her hands down on couch, hovering over him.

That's when he noticed three suitcases near the doorstep. The smallest one was red with black spots on it that represented a Ladybug, with both Ladybug and Chat Noir's faces painted onto the front. Adrianna. The next a bit larger than the previous one. It's painted a purple with the design of an easel. Kendra's. Last but not least, the biggest suitcase of all was a plain cerulean colour. Marinette's.

His eyes widened once realization hit him. Before he could question her, Marinette along with their children, were already in the car and about to take off. He didn't know what he was thinking but he rushed to the bluenette and closed the door just as she was about to enter.

Marinette rose an eyebrow at her husband. "Do you mind moving? I have places to go." Adrien didn't budge however. Instead he stayed put where he was and gripped onto the handle of the car firmly. "If you're leaving, go alone. But my kids are staying with me."

A gasp escaped her pink plump lips. Her face contoured with distraught and frustration. "Please. Let us be." There was a pleading tone as she spoke softly, clasping her hands together. Adrien didn't show her mercy. He ran to the other side of the car, unbuckling Hugo and Adrianna's seatbelts.

"Hey! Give them—give them back!" Kendra inched closer but strained by the seatbelt that hung over her. She growled and used all her might to try and free herself.

All too quickly, the three kids were now back in the house. Tears spilled from her eyes. She's never had a breakdown this bad before in her life. Well, except for those times before the kids were born. Those days she was in love.

A deep sigh escaped his lips as he had trouble finding his phone that continuously rang over and over again. He groaned, turning over to his side. "Hello?"

"Open the door," a rough voice spoke through the phone. Chills ran down his spine at the tone of this person's voice, yet it seemed so familiar to him.

He sat up immediately, using his other hand to fix his messy hair. "C-Can I ask who's awaiting out there?" There was a pause on the other side of the line before a loud booming voice shouted through the speakers. "ADRIEN YOU BETTER LET ME IN! WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT!"

It... It couldn't be... His conscience couldn't handle it anymore. Just as the man or at least he presumed was a man entered the bedroom, he erupted into tears. It wasn't very manly of him at all. But at this point he didn't care if he lost his reputation and his money. At least he'd have her.

"Get a hold of yourself, Adrien! You have to win my daughter back!" He stopped crying, lifting his gaze up to find Tom. Marinette's father. Eyes filled with both worry and anger, dancing in his eyes as he held onto Adrien's shoulders firmly.

He shook his head, pushing the larger man away. "I-I can't! I've committed so many sins towards Marinette... I can't handle it anymore. I... I JUST WANT HER BACK!"

On the other side of the door stood Kendra along with her siblings. They were both concerned after hearing the doors burst open. For some unknown reason they didn't catch Tom coming in through the door, and immediately thought of it as an intruder.

She clenched her fists. "You... You deserve all of this..." she said I'm choked back tears. More tears threatened to spill out but she held them in, not wanting to show any signs of weakness.

Adrien ran his fingers through the silky blonde hair, hunched back. "What am I suppose to say? She hates me,"

A hand was placed onto his back. Tom smiled sympathetically, "You have to make amends. Vow to never do such a thing ever again." He turned the other way, "But it doesn't mean I approve of you again. You can win Marinette back, but it'll be harder to earn my trust again."

So there he was, walking on the sidewalk with Tom in front of him hands in pockets. He silently prayed to himself that everything will be alright and that she'll accept him again. But what were the odds stacked against him?

"I'll win you back, Mari. I promise."

Hello. Sorry for the really, really short chapter! This is sort of just a filler because my mind is absolutely BLANK as of now. I don't know what to write next, any suggestions? Chapter 81 is probably my shortest chapter yet but I'm sorry to inform you all that starting now my chapters will be shorter. Looking back at the previous chapters I saw how much unnecessary dialogue was written in it and want to cut it down in half. Anyways, happy reading and stay turned for the next chapter! ❤️

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