Chapter 50: Threats

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Wtf?! 50th chapter, guys! This story is halfway finished omg 😭 Thanks for all the continued support! And I hope to see you guys in future chapters!

While Joey checked the rooms, she noticed one that had bright lights seeping through. Without hesitation, she opened it to reveal Ladybug and Chat noir to be...

"Adrien and Marinette?!" Joey cackled, clutching her stomach as she laughed as hard as she could. "You...You two are Ladybug and Chat Noir?! Oh this is gold!" She kept laughing as the two panicked.

"I thought you were dead." Marinette spat. "And why are you in our house? Get out!" Joey smirked, shaking her head.

She circled around the two, enjoying the faces they were making while they freaked out. "Ah, Adrien, Marinette... I know your little secret now."

Adrien looked at his wife and back at Joey. What were they going to do now? Secrets weren't safe in Joey's hands. Especially not this one.

They laughed along, trying to hide their nervousness. "Stop it. Stop acting innocent-like! We all know you're practically having a panic attack!" Adrien and Marinette shut up almost immediately.

"Now, if you don't want your little secret to be revealed, I suggest you don't tell a single person I'm alive. Okay?" They just nodded as Joey strutted outside, smiling.

Then she went to visit a certain someone.

"Come in." It was a dark and tranquil room, as she stepped into the darkness. "I have some news for you."

"Nath! You cheated again!" Alyana whined, stomping her feet. The red-headed boy just laughed, bopping her nose.

Alessia sighed as she watched the two play in the farm, playing a famous game; Tag. "Hey, you okay?" Grace asked, sitting down next to the blonde.

She just shook her head, staring intently at the sight before her. "It's just that... They seem so happy."

"Well, of course! Alyana came a long way to find him." It was tough to talk like this to a child. Especially since it was clear that Alessia was definitely crushing on him.

All Alessia wanted was for someone to be there for her. To stay with her for eternity. "I should stop moping. There's plenty of fish in the sea!" Grace laughed, patting the girl's back.

Somewhere not far away, Felix watched the children and Grace play. It wasn't his fault she fell hard for him. He had warned her he was a playboy. Some girls just don't listen.

He chuckled deeply, taking the toothpick out of his mouth. "Mmm... Grace, if you only knew where your sister was."

He knew that Hawkmoth was his father. It was kind of weird how he found out.

Little 7 year old Felix was playing with his 5 year old brother inside their room. His mother was busy at work, while his father was well, he didn't actually know.

Curiosity got the best of him and he found himself sneaking around his parents' room. There was a loud noise heard throughout the house, as a voice spoke.

"Nooroo, dark wings rise!" Felix gasped, immediately running out of the room. What did he just see? Was his father that super-villain everyone feared?

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