Chapter 92: Hold me tight

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Surprise, I'm alive! Please read the author's note at the end, thank you!


"Can you shut up for ten damn minutes?! I'm trying to think you insolent brat!" She screamed at the small infant swaddled in a baby pink blanket lying back against the crib. The infant began to squirm due to the lack of attention and food, letting out loud and obnoxious cries.

Alya wasn't having it today though. Not after Adrien practically trashed her apartment even when she saved him from being harmed by his own partner in crime, or even worse... the police. She cursed under her breath for having such a "shitty life" in her words, bringing the glass cup up to her lips and takin in a large gulp of wine.

Was it advisable to be drunk while taking care of an infant that's barely a few days old? No.

And the fact that on the other couch Alyana, Analya, and Marion sat timidly, hunched together as if they were afraid of their own biological mother didn't help the situation.

With her burning temper it wasn't much of a surprise. She groaned, snapping her head towards the three kids' direction causing them to stiffen at her gaze. "What? Are you going to add onto my problems?" They only remained silent, eyes glued onto the floor.

All the wine she's consumed has finally gotten to her as she unsteadily walked towards them, firmly gripping onto the handle of the wine glass. "You..." she started, her voice reduced to a mere whisper.

That's when tears freely rolled down both cheeks showing no signs of stopping soon. It's almost as if she poured all her emotions into each tear that spilled from her eyes. "You don't understand the pain I'm suffering! Why did I... why did things have to come to this?" Her knees finally buckled until she fell onto the floor kneeling, wrapping both arms around herself.

Well, who else is going to give her the comfort she needed? Nino wasn't here nor was Adrien. They were both off with their lovers. She let out a shriek, slamming the glass cup onto the coffee table.


Pieces of glass flew as it made contact, some entering the palm of her hands. The pain wasn't anything compared to how painful being in love truly is right now though, so she wouldn't care if someone shot a bullet through her head.

Or even decapitated her.

She was just tired. Tired of being played around, jumping from man to man. There's only one person she's ever desired...


The remaining contents of that glass splatted onto Alyana's brand new shirt from the famous French fashion line, Agreste. She gasped in horror, staring down at her now wine-stained shirt. It reeked with the stench of grape even though it should usually be a pleasant scent to the nose.

She slowly brought her head up, letting out a huff as she looked at Alya, her eyes softening. Deep down she felt utterly disgusted to have a mother as terrible and frazzled as her. It didn't seem like she knew the first thing about parenting!

Alyana wondered... what would it be like being born in a different family? More so, Madame Grace's family. She always treated her kindly and equally as the other children. At the thought she frowned, which was visible to the drunk brunette.

Stumbling forwards, she nearly fell forwards onto the coffee table if she hadn't planted both hands onto the surface, letting the small bits of glass sink deep in her skin. It hurt like hell but right now she felt numb to pain. Except for emotional pain, that is. "You should just go back to your daddy where he can provide all your needs along with that blonde bitch's needs too! That's all she was ever after for anyways,"

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