Chapter 75: Never truly be happy

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1 year ago...

He strolled past the streets of Paris, wearing an attire he wouldn't usually wear. Yesterday he had gotten an unusual phone call from someone named Joey, saying that she needed to talk to him about something urgent.

So here he was making his way the cafe in downtown. Kim was skeptical about the woman who called him and so he made sure to have back up in case she tried to do something.

Holding onto the gun inside his jacket, he hurriedly walked towards the cafe to get this over with. There a young woman awaited at the door in a skimpy uniform. "Hi, handsome, looking for someone?"

He rolled his eyes at her attitude. This wasn't anything new though—Alix would usually get jealous of girls who would gawk over him whenever they went to the mall or park with Alex.

So he made it a routine to flash his wedding ring in the sunlight, "Just an acquaintance," He replied. The young lady sulked at the wedding ring that was attached on his finger.

"Let me assist you, sir," She squeaked as she walked past the other customers that waited impatiently. Kim cleared his throat when he realized how awkward it was between them.

"Um, sir? I think that woman is beckoning you." She pointed at the very back where a woman clad in black sat on a bar stool. Her face was covered by the cafe menu so it was tough for him to recognize.

The woman had honey blonde hair—tied in a sophisticated bun. "Are you Le Chien Kim?" Kim nodded, taking the barstool beside her. He cleared his throat once again, motioning for the bartender. "What can I get you sir?"

He skimmed through the menu that lied in front of him, licking his lips delightfully at his choices. Today he felt like drinking something light to satisfy himself.

Chloe was being a bit of a brat after being informed of her father who went on a vacation without her. It offended him that she'd rather spend time with the mayor.

And yet, he still loved her. Even if she was rude, obnoxious, bossy... She was still Le Chien Chloe. His wife. Sometimes when Chloe wasn't home he would lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, pondering on how he won this girl's heart. He's been pining over her since forever ago, and he finally got his answer.

A memory of Chloe's soft smile popped into his head, causing him to smile as well. Joey immediately noticed his sudden star struck face and clapped her hands. He snapped out of his daze, glaring coldly at the woman who interrupted his daydreaming. "I didn't come here to watch you imagine... Things you do at night,"

Kim frantically waved his hands in front of Joey who seemed unimpressed with his act. "Th-That's not what I was thinking about!" The blonde used her elbow to prop her head up, "Well, then what is it?"

Sweat beaded his forehead as he struggled to coherent a word. "M-My wife and her lovely smile..." He admitted.

Joey slammed her drink on the table, making everyone around them stop what they were doing to see the commotion happening near the minibar. "What the hell was that for?" Kim seethed, clutching onto her arm roughly.

She just slyly grinned, "I'm glad you're in love with my dearest daughter Chloe." His eyes widened at the words 'dearest daughter'. There was no way Chloe was connected to this crazy woman. Then he tilted his head to get a better view of her face. She reminded him of Chloe.

He stood up from his seat. slowly backing away. "You... Can't be her..." Joey did the same, following his lead outside. "But I am. Joey Bourgeois, nice to meet you, Le Chien Kim."

Kim couldn't believe it. He was face to face with his mother in law. Chloe usually keeps her mouth shut whenever it came to the topic of her mother. Sometimes she'd deny she ever existed.

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