Chapter 42: "The collector"

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"What's your purpose for... Well, becoming a villain?" Style queen asked, checking her nails out.

Nathanael sighed, keeping his head hung low trying to hide the tears that were slowly streaming down his red face from all the crying.

"I-I... I want my son and my wife back..." He replied sadly, remembering the exact moment and time that they passed away...

It was late afternoon when Lila was all dressed up in a red bodice dress. "Nath, Nathan and I are going to the party now." Nathanael nodded, fixing his son's bow tie that was very crooked.

How old is Nathan, you may ask? He is 5 years old. The little redhead was finally starting kindergarten. "Daddy, hurry up!" He whined.

Nathan definitely got his sassiness from his mother. He would make quick comebacks everytime. It annoyed Nathanael to pieces, but Lila thought differently.

"Your father was always slow." She commented twirling the key chain that held the key with her finger, smiling.

Nathanael glared at her playfully, but stood up and pecked his wife on the lips before retreating back to his son who was getting more and more impatient by the minute.

"All done!" He backed away from his son and examined his features. His red bow tie with a black blazer and white polo.

Lila covered her mouth in amazement. Her son looked handsome. Knowing that she couldn't have anymore children upset her.

She had just found out that she had cancer. Stage 1, thankfully. It had been a few months and Lila would sometimes sneak out with Nathan to the doctors and check on her sickness.

Sad news that it wasn't getting any better. In fact, it was the opposite. She would sometimes stay at the hospital for operations, but tell Nathanael that she had a business trip to go to.

It really did hurt her to lie to her own husband. It was never her intention... She just didn't want anyone to worry about her.

Nathan grinned at his mother and father, taking his coat and running away to the car that was parked outside.

"Be safe, okay?" Lila nodded, embracing her husband longer than expected. Nathanael didn't doubt it.

Lila waved one more time, running to the car where Nathan waited impatiently, tapping his foot on the ground in a rhythmic beat.

She started the engine and began to drove off as Nathan watched from the window, seeing that his father was waving goodbye.

"So, how was school?" She asked, keeping her eyes on the road, hand steadily on the steering wheel.

Nathan thought for a moment before smiling. "I met a cute girl, mommy. She really nice." Lila giggled at her son's silliness, extending her hand to ruffle his hair.

"Does my baby boy have a crush?" She teased, continuing to ruffle his red hair. Nathan tried to hide the blush creeping on his cheeks but nothing helped.

"What's her name?" He sighed dreamily, remembering how her brown hair that was pulled up in a ponytail would sway when she would walk.

How she waved at him every time they passed by each other, the friendly smile she always wore. Who wouldn't have a crush on her? And did he mention her big brown eyes that made him stare all the time? The eyes that made him WANT to go to school?

"Nathan?" Lila repeated, glancing at her son who was starting off into space. "Huh? O-Oh... Her name was Alyana." He remembered it as if her name was an angel's name.

She nodded in agreement, bringing her gaze back to the road.

Her son had a crush, and he was only 5! Nathan frowned at the thought of Alyana being 2 years older than him. But his father had always said that age didn't matter. As long as your love for each other is true.

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