Chapter 66: Our secret unfolds

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"Where the hell is Mari and Adrien?!" Alya exclaimed for the tenth time today. The couple had been missing since last night, when they said that they would go out for a bit. But they hadn't come home at all and it started to worry Alya. The kids had been wondering nonstop about their parents (especially Adrianna). She was starting to run out of excuses!

Adrianna crawled onto Alya's lap, cheeks wet with tears. "Awntie Awya where mummy and daddy?" She asked. Alya wiped the little girl's tears and started to rock her to sleep. She then put her on her bed in the other room. Alya sat down on a chair looking distressed. "Nino I'm seriously worried... What if- AHHH!" Her sentence was cut off with a huge amount of light blinding them. They both fell to the ground with a thud, thinking that they were dead.

It was only when someone forcefully opened her eyes by slapping her on the forehead very lightly. She blinked a couple of times so that her vision could become clear again. And what came into sight was something she did not expect. Not at all.

"Ch-Chat Noir?" Then a green light surrounded them and in his place was none other than Adrien Agreste, her best friend's husband. Nino was still knocked unconscious after hitting his head on the corner of Marinette's desk so he was no help. Alya's eyes widened and she abruptly got up from the floor to examine Adrien a bit more (y'all I could become the next Dr. Seuss).

Her head was spinning in circles so she had to hold onto the wall for support. Other than that, her legs would've collapsed. "B-But how? You're Chat Noir?!" Then her eyes traveled down into his arms where a very injured and sleepy Marinette laid. She was furious! How could she not figure out that Adrien is Chat Noir? Was she that oblivious?

Well, technically, Adrien's eyes turn into two shades of green making it harder to identify him- -not to mention his golden locks were messier than usual. Adrien smiled sheepishly at Alya and waved. "Uh... Hey?" He tried to approach Alya as calm and collectedly as he could. But he already knew that they were going to get an earful today.

"What the hell happened to Mari..?" Tears welled up into the brunette's eyes as she took a closer look at Marinette who's face looked as if they went to compete at the UFC (ultimate fighting champion! :D). Adrien slowly placed her down on her chaise, taking a seat on a chair near it. Adrien buried his face into his hands before turning to Alya who had a confused expression on her face.

She opened the second drawer to her left where she found a nice, pink blanket to cover her best friend who must have been shivering. She also saw a green one, which she had second thoughts on getting. Adrien was Chat Noir. He was lying the whole time. Alya slammed her hand on the desk where Adrien sat. Her blood was boiling.

At this, Nino awoken and took a peek at Alya and Adrien who were in a conversation, and Marinette lying down all bruised. He pinched his arm just in case he was sleeping but he only got hurt. This was definitely reality. He arose from the floor and made his way to Alya and Adrien. Alya looked as if she had been crying and Adrien's hair was a mess.

They both look frustrated about something... But what? "Okay what's happening here?" Nino interrupted their little argument by clapping in their faces. Alya faced him, hands on her hips as usual, and teeth gritted. "Your best friend," she pointed at Adrien, "is Chat Noir." Alya exhaled sharply at the word Chat Noir. When was he going to tell them?

At that moment Nino, Alya and Adrien started to shout. They were blaming each other, especially Adrien for hiding such a secret. He had tried his best to make them understand it but not matter what they didn't believe him. He lost their trust and it was all his fault. If he only told them sooner... Perhaps he could've avoided this.

"I'M SORRY OKAY?!" He shouted for the fifth time. Alya and Nino ignored him and started to throw insults that had no relation to him whatsoever. They were arguing about their failed marriage and how Alya wanted full custody of Marion which of course Nino insisted. They were also arguing about how Nino married Chloe.

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