Chapter 94: To lose another friend.

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"...therefore, I've been thinking of handing over my Miraculous,"

Master Fu had been sitting back calmly on the tatami mats breaking out into an encouraging smile as Marinette dialled his number as an urgent need. She wanted to speak to someone about her problems, someone much older and wiser—experiences with the world. When she first arrived she seemed nervous, twiddling with her thumbs as she stood there hunched like a child, bottom lip out as if to portray her sadness. He couldn't turn the bluenette away despite wanting her to sort out her problems on her own, inviting her in.

Immediately she was met with the scent of green tea and the faint music playing in the background to set the mood. The atmosphere was more tense and overwhelming before she noticed the music, finding herself relaxing.

He had simply been sipping a cup of tea that Wayzz brewed along with Tikki after Marinette specifically requested them. He wasn't sure why since she's never asked for any particular request, but he wasn't one to question her actions.

That was, until now.

He spewed out his tea, hacking and pounding a hand against his chest to clear the airways. Once he found himself able to breathe properly again, he raised his eyebrows at his granddaughter sitting across from him.

Her hands were playing with the earrings. The Miraculous he gave her from years back. She looked uncertain, but her eyes remained on her grandfather's.

"You... you want to hand your miraculous over to someone else..? Why so?"

She stopped playing with her earrings letting her arms fall into her lap. When she first thought of paying her grandfather a visit, this wasn't her intention. She sought out for comfort from a close family member. Her parents weren't much of a help since they sided more with her supposed sister.

"I... just think it's for the best. Wouldn't you say? I mean, I'm not getting any younger. I have children I need to take care of and with another one on the way that's even more work- not to mention Chat Noir and I just don't have the same chemistry anymore, we don't see eye to eye. We're two sides of the same coin. Complete opposites. Besides, wouldn't you say people are fed up with the ol' Ladybug and Chat Noir? They need a change and I'm sure Hawkmoth would appreciate one I rambling?"

The older man could only blink, setting his teacup down as he scooted forwards using only his bottom and arms to propel him, taking her hands into his. He gave them a comforting squeeze knowing what a tight spot she's being forced into. Taking care of 3 kids, struggling to start up a business, and on top of that superhero duties. Anyone would get overwhelmed.

Yet, he knew that she'll be able to overcome this. Just like everything else Hawkmoth's thrown at her. "I know that you and Adrien aren't on good terms right now, but this isn't about the matters of the heart, Marinette. This is about protecting Paris. The home of your children. Would you really want your children's view of Paris to be struck with fear?"

Her stomach churned. Tongue-twisted, Marinette kept her head down once again unable to answer the simple yet difficult question. It was hard. Depicting her own desires to the wellbeing of her family's. She's never been this selfish before and anyone who's ever had the chance to talk to Marinette knew that for a fact.

She just wasn't sure if she could fulfill her duties anymore. What more, her superhero duties have caused her to almost forget about her real life. The child she was carrying and the ones at home, upset and angry with her. Before she could even suppress them fat tears started rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably.

She was lost, alone. Even with Nathanael often there to help her out with the kids it wasn't the same than having someone there for you 24/7 - to comfort you through the gloomiest of days. "I-I'm sorry... I love Ladybug- I love being Ladybug so much that I've completely forgotten about my actual life. I spent so much time as a teenagers chasing after supervillains while the real one slipped out of my fingers. I chose to remain in Paris despite all the offers I was given by famous design companies because of my job. I know it isn't full time, but I... I don't know anymore. That's what it feels like to me. A full time job. I can't prioritize anything else. I'm sorry Gramps, but-" She took a moment to breathe as her sobs became even louder. The tears just wouldn't stop from flowing as they landed in her hands.

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