Chapter 52: Like missing pieces in a puzzle

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Sorry there wasn't a chapter yesterday! I was pretty busy!

"Nathan! Where are we going?" Alyana whispered as the redhead placed a finger on her lips to   shush the girl. "We're going home, Aly." That was all he replied, then they were off.

The two tippy-toed out of the small house, looking back at the place they found each other again. Someday I'll return here with Nathan beside me. She smiled and took Nathan's hands in hers to hold. Their hands fit perfectly together; like missing pieces of a puzzle.

If it weren't for what happened to his mother... That traumatic, fragile, delicate, moment that ruined everything for him. He should be happy. He could've had a sibling. No, his mother was sick. Very sick. Her time was almost up anyways. The way her hand felt, cold... Her skin was beginning to pale.

Her breaths were getting shorter and shorter.

Where was she when-

Alyana waved a hand in front of her best friend's face attempting to get his attention. "N-Nath?" He turned to her and glanced at the sign reading "3-way'". What did that mean? They were only 5 and 7 year olds for goodness sake!

Then his mind started to drift again...

To the incident.

The tragedy that destroyed his life.

In a split-second everything was gone. And although he had his father, it would've never been the same again.

His father would've changed anyways. He wouldn't be happy or cheery, but gloomy and depressed.

Besides, he was already broken. Returning to that place he used to call home would be too much to handle.

No... He should stop thinking about it. It's in the past. Focus on the present and the future.

But was he ready to put all that behind? Forget about his mother just like that? Forget his biological family?

Who would he come home to anyways?

There was no one waiting for him.

Without thinking, he took another step noticing that Alyana had stopped.

"Nathan no!" Her hand extended to grab his arm, but she failed, reaching out for nothing. It was too late.


It was the head that got most of the impact, knocking the little boy out. Alyana tried to scream but nothing came out. Tears brimmed in her eyes. Standing still like a block of cement. Her feet wouldn't move at all.

Why was she so unlucky?

A click of a car door echoed through through woods as a woman in a black leather jacket and knee-high boots came out, worry written all over her face. She crouched down to examine the injured boy who was unconscious, a huge gash in his head oozing out with blood. Her head snapped to the right were Alyana used to stand but wasn't anymore, to find no one.

She ran.

Ran as fast as she could. She couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't handle the sight of her best friend in the situation of life or death. The only question circling her mind was why did he seem so uncomfortable?

Maybe just maybe... He had doubts? Regrets? Maybe he secretly hated her. The grimace on his face the whole time they were walking just made it harder.

He was gone. He had to be. There was no way getting out of that. So much blood...

Shaking her head, she took off. What was she supposed to do? Stand there and wait for his angel to appear and take her away from this place?

Regrets and sorrowsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu